Prologue: Moving to CN City

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Location: (Home county name) (Home town name) airport time 9:45 pm

Y/n was saying goodbye to his family.

s/f/n: now remember son there will be someone i contact to give you a tour, call us when you get to your new home.

Y/n: yep.

s/m/n: and remember not to lose your card and your keys.

Y/n: yep.

S/s/n: and buy me a doll house.

we just laugh at her comment.

Y/n: Oh really now?

S/s/n: hehehe nah just kidding but don't forget to call us.

Y/n: i won't forget you guys your my family.

they hugged each other until the intercom.

Intercom: attention the plane to Cn city is now leaving for the next 5 minutes, i repeat the plane to Cn city is now leaving for the next 5 minutes.

Y/n: well i gotta go i call you.

you board the plane sitting next to the window.

then you saw your foster parents waving goodbye inside the airport lobby.

Captain: good afternoon everyone this is your captain speaking we are ready to take off please sit back relax and enjoy the flight to CN city.

Captain: we have lift off.

Y/n relax in his seat and puts on his music playlist and play (music name)

(you can play the songs you love)


is now 8 am your phone alarm went off waking you up and then.

Captain: good morning everyone if you look out of your window we have arrived.

you looked out of your window and saw CN City

you looked out of your window and saw CN City

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Y/n: whoa.

Y/n saw the CN town and the CN city his new home away from home.


Location: CN City air port 9:30 am

captain: hello everyone we are now landing in CN airport.

Captain: this is your captain speaking we have arrived thank you for flying with us hope you enjoy your time or your new home in CN City.

after i left the plane and grabbed my luggage and head to the front and look for someone with my name on something big.

???: Hey Y/n over here!

i heard someone call my name and looked at the source and saw a man in a lab coat.

Utonium: greetings young Y/n my name is professor Utonium your father called me to pick you up and give you a tour and help you move into your new home

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Utonium: greetings young Y/n my name is professor Utonium your father called me to pick you up and give you a tour and help you move into your new home.

Y/n: thanks for the help professor.

Utonium: it's my pleasure well here let me unlock the boot.

you put your luggage in his boot and you enter his car and sit on the passenger seat.

Utonium: you must be hungry.

Y/n: he true.

Utonium: (laughs) don't worry i know a best place to eat there.

we drove off into the city of CN. my new life will not be the same.

but up in dark abyssal space

The planet techno is Planing it's fusion invasion

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The planet techno is Planing it's fusion invasion.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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