Chapter 4

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So... I got my computer fixed and everything and everything's good and cool. The tearchers that I'm going to use here are my own teachers from school. I'm going to be using them in this story, except of I see a character that I see fit for the subject. I'm hating Wattpad right now cuz I've written this chapter for like, two times, and each time, the files are just deleted for some reason that I dont f*ing know.


After finishing with biology, it was time for weaponary class. This class was taught by a man with loose blonde curls and wore a headband that has the word, "Yasopp" written on it. So Scarlette guessed that man was the teacher, Mr. Yasopp.

As she looked around, she saw some of the students she saw in the previous classes, few she knew the name of. There was Straw Hat, Monkey D. Luffy. Her seatmate in maths and groupmate in Biology, Trafalgar Law. A man with green hair and three swords, Roronoa Zoro. A blonde man the greenette was fighting with in maths, Sanji. An long orange haired woman from the Straw Hat gang, Nami. And a long nosed man named Usopp. There was also the man with red hair. She never did caught his name...

"Alright class," he began, "today we are going to learn shooting arrows. Get your weapons in the storage room"

The storage room, which was next to the gym room, was behind a pair of wooden gates painted brown. The room was fairly lit with three bright lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. After looking around for a while, Scarlette chose a shiny black bow with silver lining drawing swirls of pattern decorating the bow. The golden string was firm and strong. Next to the bow was a set of black arrows. It was carved skillfuly into a slender and beautiful shape. One end had a metal point attached to it and the other end had neatly combed red and black feathers attached. Strapping the set on her back, the pinkette walked out of the storage and found that some had returned, all of which she had knew were among them. She saw that Usopp had a brown bow and brown arrows, Nami had orange, Luffy had a red set, Trafalgar had a yellow bow and black arrows, Sanji had yellows, Zoro got green and... Pink? he must've somehow taken the arrows from another set... and the red head had a red bow and silver arrows.

Soon, all the other students returned. "Everybody here?" after receiving a chorus of "yes!" from the students, the blonde teacher nodded and pressed a button. A moment later, panels of the floor opened, revealing dummies with bull's eyes painted on their heads and necks.

"Your score will be based on how many times you get you arrows inside the bull's eyes" he explained as the students prepared their weapon. "Ready?" they pulled back the string, moving the bow to try to hit the middle. "GO!" their fingers released the string and 17 of arrows flew from the bow and stabbed the dummies, some almost missing, few hit the second ring, and fewer students hit the bull's eye; one of them was Usopp, who got it perfectly in the middle.

20 minutes passed and only one student had hit the bull's eye perfectly in constant shoots; he had to move to a nother dummy 4 times. Yasopp grinned proudly at his son. Long Nose had been hitting perfectly, not a single arrow missed their target. The pink haired woman had some trouble hitting the target as arrows were not her thing. Swordsplay had been her specialty since her uncle, Smoker, had started training her. Her magic is based on swordsmanship - if she fails at that, then requip magic would be nothing but a thing that is buried deep inside her.

An hour passed and the test finished. Few passed; Usopp, a boy named Axel, Darryl, Nicholas,a girl named Xean, Beatrice, Felicia, and another girl named Felicia. The pink haired woman and the raven haired doctor almost passed, getting a score of 57.5.

"Great work, students!" the teacher grinned, "after or before you change, please pluck out your arrows from the dummies and place your bows and arrows back in the storage room"

After changing, the students went to their respective classes. Next class for Scarlette was English.

'Great...' she thought sarcastically. She had hated English since she knew about it. It was just... hard! Like, why do you need to learn something, a language, that you know you would probably not use in the future?

Walkig into her classroom, she found that the teacher wasn't here yet. The pinkette walked over to a seat at the second row, third seat from the right. After taking a seat, she took out her books; which was her textbook and a notebook, and her pencil case and waited. Soon, a woman with long raven hair came in. Scarlette guessed that she was in her 30-ies, but still looked pretty and young. Becasue of her age, it looks like she was the English teacher.

"Looks like you're early" the woman smiled as she sat down in the teacher's chair and laid her books and markers on the desk.

"Yeah" was her only reply before going back to silence.

Instead of continuing the conversation, the woman giggled and took out a novel by the title of A Dragon's Burning Love. In the cover, there was a pink haired man, his face was only shown half, wearing a white scarf that looked much like scales, and a black vest. In his right arm, which was the arm that was shown, there was a tattoo of a symbol of some sort colored in red. He was hugging a weeping blonde woman, who wore a blue clothing - her clothes were not shown in detail. In her right back palm, there was the same tattoo symbol, only it was coloured pink. She was beautiful, in her opinion, and the man was rather good looking. And she must admit that the two looked rather romantic.

She hadn't realisized that she was staring until the raven haired woman spoke. "Interested in my book? I could lend it to you if you want"

Pink tainting her cheeks, she turned her head away and rejected, "no thank you. I have little interest in romance novels"

"Hmm..." the teacher hummed, "me too. But this one is really interesting. Its a story about a celestial mage that had to stop an evil mage with her partner. They ended up falling in love and the drama happens"

"Mmm....." It did sound rather interesting. Maybe she'll try to read a few chapters... "I'll read it. A few chapters"

 With a chuckle, the raven haired woman closed the book, stood up, walked to the pinkette's table, and gently placed it down. "You can have it if you want" she walked back to her chair and crossed her legs with a smile on her face, "i can always buy another"

"No" Scarlette shook her head, "I'll just read it and return it in a few days. You don't need to waste your money on another book, miss...?"

"Robin" the teacher, who's name is miss Robin, smiled once more, "Nico Robin"

"Miss Robin" she repeated with a closed-eye nod.

Before they could continue their conversation any further, the door slammed open and a familiar man wearing an even familiar straw hat came in shouting, "ROBIIIIIN!"

"Luffy" miss Robin chuckled at Straw Hat.

Following after him was the blonde haired, swirly-eyebrowed man who was currently swooning with a heart replacing his left eye and hearts also visibly radiated around him. And let me tell you, those hearts were large... Now we can't miss his life-treathening bloody nosebleed, that was now flooding most of the room, which was spilling from his two nose, staining his black suit.

"ROBIN-CHUAAAAAAN!" he sang, feet twirling him everywhere around the room, before finally landing in front of the raven haired teacher and one knee was touching the ground. In his teeth, he had a rose (where did that cme from?!) as he took the ravenette's hand and kissed it, before handing her the red-petal colored flower, thorns removed.

"Thank you, Sanji-san" the woman smiled as she accepted the rose gratefully.

With that, I can say that Sanji just died due to nosebleed.

With a thought of the ladies in thos world being miserable with Sanji 'dead', the blonde revived with bursts of love around him. Not long after, more students came to this class. After all students had arrived, miss Robin began the lesson.

"Since this is your first day in school, we are going to discuss simple grammar of English language" she told the class, "please open your textbooks to page three"


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