Chapter 14

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Ight ik my chapters have been really short and uneventful but I'm trying to change that okayyyy?


666 sound the alarms

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666 sound the alarms


Chapter 14 : School


Your p.o.v

Me and Dash got out of his car once we arrived in the school parking lot and made our way inside. As we entered almost everyone in the halls turned to look at us. Some of them were whispering to each other but I couldn't tell what they were saying.

We walked towards my locker, where an unfortunately familiar black haired girl stood with her little "squad" behind her.
"(b/n)." ( I changed it incase your name was Veronica, it means bitch's name ((: ) I stated bluntly, trying to open my locker, which she slammed shut.
"Hey (y/n), tell me, what's it like being all over social media?" She asked, leaning against it.
"Leave her alone (b/n), she's not in the mood to argue with you today." I heard Dash say beside me, putting an arm over my shoulder.

(b/n) looked at him with a disgusted face and then back towards me.
"First you steal MY boyfriend, and now you're dating a famous superhero, seriously (y/n), I didn't know you were that kind of person." She chuckled slightly.
"I didn't steal him (b/n), if he wanted to break up with you, that's his decision, but I don't blame him anyways, who would wanna date a humourless barbie doll?" I replied sourly while Dash looked at me shocked. (b/n) just rolled her eyes and started walking backwards.
"You're gonna get what's coming to you (l/n)." She said as she turned around and walked away.

Dash most likely chose not to mention what had just happened because he didn't say anything as I got my stuff out of my locker.

We both walked towards first period, which we had together. As we were about to enter, I felt someone jump onto my back.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)" It was (f/n). ( ik She was called Jess but I changed it incase any of ur names were Jess lmao )
"(f/n) what the hell?!" I say, nearly tripping over.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE DATING SOMEONE?! FRIENDS DON'T LIE (Y/N)!" She screamed in my left ear, making me wince.
"Jeez okay someone's been watching too much stranger things." I said, trying to get her off of me before I collapsed.

Dash just stood there, half shocked, half amused by the scene in front of him.

"Answer my question." (f/n) was now stood in front of my, looking at me with a serious expression. I sighed and looked at her.
"(f/n), I'm not dating anyone," I tried to think of an excuse, "I was near the villain when they attached and The Dash took me to that cafe where it was safe, I thanked him and he kissed me on the cheek, then ran away, I have no idea why." I rushed out. She started nodding, then smirked at me.
"Well, it looks like you have a new admirer (y/n)~ just imagine the wedding!" She exaggerated, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Dash blushing.

I rolled my eyes and walked into class, taking a seat in the back row, (f/n) next to me. Dash walked towards his friends and sat with them.

A few seconds after I'd sat down, (g/n) ( for the final time, I was gonna call her Vienna, but just incase that's any of ur names, it's now 'girls name') , the head cheerleader and fairly popular girl, made her way over to my desk.
"(y/n)! How've you been? We haven't talked in ages!" She said, trying to be sweet.
"That's because you spread the rumour that I was a drug dealing prostitute." I replied, looking at her with full eyes.
"Oh yeah! Hope you can forgive me! Anyways, I was thinking you'd like to tryout for the cheer team after school." She gave me an obvious fake smile.
"Uhm, no actually, I'm not really into... that." I said, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh c'mon, I've seen you in gym, you're really good at gymnastics!" She looked back at me with pleading eyes.
"Fine, I'll think about it.." I said unsure, biting my lip nervously.
"Great! See you there!" She skipped back to her desk and started talking to her friends, they were probably cheer leaders too.

"I didn't know you were into cheerleading." I heard (f/n) say, looking at me questioningly.
"I'm not." I responded, slamming my head into the table.


It was now lunch time, and I was sitting at my usual table with (f/n).
"So I was thinking we could go shopping this weekend!" She said excitedly as I rolled my eyes, but smiled at her.
"Sure, whatever you want (f/n)." I laughed slightly at how happy she was and went back to eating my food.

"So I heard you're trying out for cheerleading." A sour (?) voice said from the end of the table. I looked up to see (b/n), for the second time today.
"Yeah, so what?" I narrowed my eyebrows at her and shuffled in my seat.
"Nothing, I just wanted to wish you good luck, y'know, since I'm the deputy head cheerleader ( do they have those? Idk since we don't really do cheerleading in England ) and gonna be helping judge all the girls at the try outs." She grinned, making me gulp.
"Well (y/n)'s gonna be best one there!" (f/n) cheered from across from me.
"Yeah, okay, they only want her to join because it'll make them more popular, since you're 'The Dash's Girlfriend'" She stated, rolling her eyes.
"But I guess I'll see you there!" She smirked as she walked back to her table.

I gulped once again, as Dash came running over.
"Hey, I saw (b/n) over here, is everything okay?" He asked, locking eyes with me.
"Yeah, yeah, we were just talking about the try outs later." I responded calmly, taking a sip of my water.
"Try outs? What try outs?" He looked at me an (f/n) with a confused expression.
"Cheerleading." (f/n) answered for me. Dash's face was now a mix of confusion AND shock.
"Oh, I didn't think you'd be into... that." He said, just like I did when I was talking with (g/n).  I just groaned and slammed my head on the lunch room table, just like earlier in class.

"She's not." (f/n) mimicked me.


chEerleading yAy fun stuff

•Word count : 1100

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