Don't look behind you

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POVS Jungkook:

Taehyung Hyung and I agreed to return to Seoul earlier and make this invocation...

We are alone at home, we wanted it because we did not want to harm any of the hyungs with this invocation.

We had to lock the house door and left the keys on the door, just in case one of the hyungs shows up earlier at home.

We were literally half an hour looking for the salt.

We don't find it

It is assumed that nothing will happen.

Hyung brought two chairs and placed them in front of the camera.

I turned on the camera and turned the LCD Inch.

— Hello ARMY !, Today I am at home with Taehyung Hyunghyung makes a heart with his hands, we have returned before to make this invocation, we wanted to do it alone because if something happens, we did not want to harm the hyungs...I stopI chose Taehyung Hyung because he is the strongest emotionally, that is, he does not get scared easily and for this invocation it is key not to be easily scared, hyung now it's time to sit down and we proceed to do the invocation.

POVS Taehyung:

We sat in the chairs that we previously brought with us, we were a little apart from the beds, the beds were in front of us.

Jungkook turned the LCD Inch of the camera so that we could see what was happening behind our backs.

— Well, ARMY, I'm going to explain how to make this invocation, don't do it please... it's just 23:50 here in Seoul and it's supposed that at 00 at night, you must be in your room, sitting in a chair, in the dark, you only see the light of your window, on a sheet of paper, we have to write the following sentence, "Sensor sensor sensor look at me sensor sensor sensor look at me sensor sensor."

Jungkook wrote what he just said in a paper he brought.

— After writing it, I have to crumple the paper and throw it behind us, so that the spirit receives our message — pauses — well, now we are supposed to wait 5 minutes, hyung...

Tell meI say to JungKook.

His gaze goes to me.

— We should be sitting, but don't ever close your eyes, because when you open it, it will be a horrible mistake. You should be with your eyes open, and paying close attention, so, you can't do anything, except, caress your back.

I'm speechless, trying to process all the information that has been transmitted to me.

— When we listen, scratching, it means that it is removed, but it is not everything. When we hear more than 5 scratches, we have to get up from the chair and go to bed in our beds — point out the cameras ahead — and without looking back, we have to cover our heads with the pillow, and we have to close our eyes, until dawn, to part, while we are listening to the voice of the spirit, we can not speak, say nothing, or pray, because it will hurt us.

I look at the clock.... it's been five minutes.

Jungkook and I looked at each other.

— Hyung... I feel someone breathing in my back. — He whispers to me.

Quiet JungKook, everything will be fine — I tell him.

Through the LCD Inch I see how the closet door opens slowly.

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