*+. Chocolate .+*

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Amami smiled warmly as he gently lifted a sleeping Ouma onto his back. Tenko had Himiko on her back and was following behind them. They exited the amusement park and headed to Tenko's car. She gently placed Himiko next to her in the front and buckled her in. Amami and Ouma squeezed into the back.

"Alright! Let's head back to the dorms now!" Tenko whistled, starting up the car and heading off. Himiko was still asleep and snoring, but Ouma had waken up now. His head was nestled in Amami's shirt and the green haired male could feel his warm breathes against the clothing.

"How much further?" Himiko asked, still half asleep. Amami chuckled from the backseat and Ouma laughed along with him. Tenko turned to her and told her that they'd arrive in a short while. To pass the time, the aikido master turned on the radio and switched stations until she found one of her favorite songs. This song was Chocolate.

The music played for a little as Tenko hummed the rhythm softly. Himiko joined in too, and pretty soon Amami and Ouma were singing along too. The four drove down the highway dotted with colored cars singing happily to the song. This was the perfect college life.

They soon reached Hope's Peak and Tenko's radio was still blaring. She turned it down and hopped out of the car. Himiko climbed onto her back again and they bid Amami and Ouma farewell before heading off to their dorm room. The two boys watched the girls as they quietly hummed the song they had previously been singing at the top of their lungs.

"Dorm room!" Ouma yelled, tugging on Amami's shirt. The green haired male sighed and lifted the smaller boy onto his back. Walking slowly, the taller boy thought about all the homework he had to do. Ouma was sleeping again and had his head resting on Amami's shoulder.

The green haired boy sighed, he would have to complete a whole paper by Wednesday, and he hadn't even started it yet. As much fun as college could be sometimes, it was also exhausting. He had reached Ouma's dorm room by now, and opened the already unlocked door carefully. He gently placed Ouma down on his bed and spun the dorm keys around his finger for a second before placing them on the bed next to the small boy.

The male sighed and exited the room, closing it as he went. Homework was going to be tiring, but it had to be done. Amami worked carefully, making sure he didn't pull an all nighter. He started at around seven and ended up going to bed around eleven. But he had a productive four hours of work and ended up completing most of the paper.

Ouma on the other hand, hadn't even started his due to him sleeping. The next night he ended up having a group call with Amami, Tenko, and Himiko as they tried to calm him and help him with his paper. Amami ended up leaving the call and walking over to his dorm to help him personally.

Most of the paper were the words Amami had spoken that he instructed Ouma to write down. Eventually after a few hours, Ouma was completed with his paper, and he thanked Amami over and over. And Amami happily accepted all his apologies.

The next day, the two presented their papers, and both ended up getting an A+. To celebrate, Tenko suggested they all head out and get candy and drinks. The two boys thought about it for a bit but eventually decided to go along with the girls.

"Yo! I'm glad you guys chose to join us!" Tenko cheered, gripping Himiko's hand tightly and smiling at the two males. Normally, Tenko would act pretty sharply to guys. But she had known Amami and Ouma for a while now, so she didn't treat them like other males. She had met Ouma and Amami through Himiko. Since they were two of her good friends from middle school.

"Glad we could join you! C'mon lets go!" Ouma laughed, pulling Amami by the hand eagerly as they walked the streets of Japan. Himiko had her camera out and was taking photos of things that interested her. The other three had to stop for a second to let Himiko take a photo of a magic display. Ouma whined the whole minute she took photos, but Amami gripped his hand, reassuring she would be done soon.

The four reached the small cafe and Ouma dashed inside, Himiko close behind him. Amami and a Tenko turned to each other and laughed. They opened the door and Ouma was pointing to the menu and cheering. Himiko had a finger to her chin, most likely thinking about what to get.

Tenko ended up paying for it all, and she ordered a honeydew milk tea. Himiko ordered a strawberry and a raspberry, saying she got two so she could drink the other later. Ouma chose the Taro milk tea and Amami  ordered almond tea. Amami offered to pay himself, but Tenko assured him that she would.

The four sat down and talked about the daily gossip. Apparently Kaede and Maki decided to have a competition on who could confess to their crush sooner. Surprisingly, Maki was able to win. Kaede ended up having to give her fifteen dollars as her reward.

Himiko explained how Angie was having an art show the following weekend, Tenko and herself were planning on going. Ouma begged Amami to let him go, and the green haired male eventually gave in. After talking for a bit, the four exited the cafe, drinks in hand, and spirits high. They all hopped into Tenko's car and she made sure everyone was buckled in before she turned on the radio.

Chocolate played again, and the four laughed and sang as Tenko drove back to the dorms for the night. As they were singing, Ouma turned to Amami and laughed. Holding his hand tight and singing at the top of his little lungs. Amami smiled.

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