00- Prologue - Hello World!

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Hello, Lovelies! This is my first book.  This story is near and dear to me. Don't be a silent reader. Let me know what you think.

Hello World! I know, super cheesy but isn't it how all great stories begin?

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Hello World! I know, super cheesy but isn't it how all great stories begin?

Do you ever feel as if your life has yet to begin? I've been on this lifeboat we call Earth for sixteen almost seventeen years now and absolutely nothing has ever happened to me. I would win Never Have I Ever hands down every time. In my life, there have been no great adventures or exciting tales of teenage rebellion.

Rebellion! I've never even been grounded. Getting grounded would require you to get in trouble for doing something of interest. The most rebellious thing I'd ever done is cross the street before I reached the designated crosswalk. I wish I was joking.

I do, however; suffer from a nasty neurological disorder. It's real tragic. You might have heard of it before, it's called Good Kid syndrome. Basically, I'm an easy kid to parent. I've never warranted any extra special attention in any aspects of my life. I always make my bed and keep my room tidy. I have good grades, and I've don't even have to be told to do my homework. I've never been bullied; I don't stand out enough.

My social hierarchy at school, where I fall in the proverbial high school food chain, is between the loner and the common student. I'm the filler friend in every teen movie. You don't know my name but I'm there in the group solely as a placeholder to beef up someone else's rep. On the rare occasion, one of my peers remembers I exist, I might snag an invite to a party or social event. As a second thought; of course, but I'll take what I can get.

Once I was walking directly behind two girls, in a practically empty hallway, while they discussed my invite.

"Ugh, this party will be a sausage fest. We need more girls at this party. You know that nondescript chic who sits next to Morgan in AP History. Let's invite her she seems normal".

I'd love to say, "Jk, lol." but on this occasion, these were her exact words. Nondescript and normal. My presence is simply forgettable.

It's not like it upsets me. What's there to be upset about? In fact, I've never been upset about anything. I've never had my heart broken. You would have to fall in love for that. I've never had my first kiss, and I've definitely never ever had sex. Like I said I would win Never Have I Ever every time.

But before you start to think of me as some sort of pariah, it's not true. I'm perfectly normal...I think. There are valid reasons for my inability to get a bae. I've got a couple of excuses ready to go for whenever someone inevitably asks.

We are constantly moving around from state to state, city to city, apartment to apartment. My grandma says my mother has the soul of a traveling gypsy. I don't think I've ever lived in one home for more than one year.

As you can imagine, it's difficult to make friends and romantic connections when you're continuously moving around. When I move around in the same city or state, I will try to keep my friends, but once we move out of the school zone the contacts usually dissipate to nothing. I'm the worst at keeping in touch after a far move.

And if you're looking for a crazy back story for us moving all the dang time, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. We are not on the run from some top-secret government agency intent on capturing and exploiting us for supernatural abilities. One can only wish. In reality, there is no rhyme or reason for us moving, except for my mother's extreme case of wanderlust. Nothing supernatural or fantastical about it. Unless it's a superpower to be able to pack up all my belongings in two hours flat or less. I've timed it.

The second excuse, for my lack of a boyfriend, is I'm smart. Not in the I'm-better-than-guys-and-too-smart-for-them-way, but that I take all AP and honor classes. My mother always insists I go to private schools or charters that require you to have at least a 3.8 GPA to get a chance to test in.

Classes are usually fewer than fifteen people, and kids in the entire school population amounts to less than three hundred give or take. There are only so many boys to go around and the majority of them are nerdy AF. I have no problem with a smart guy who has his poop in a group, but most of the guys don't know what a shower is and will sooner pick their nose in front of you then ask you out.

Eck, give me a second while I gag at the memory of it. Anyways, at these schools, there are perhaps ten "eligible bachelors", and all the girls in school fight over them like 90's kids over Pokémon cards. That kind of chaos has never been my scene.

On top of that these smart-kid schools, I go to are academically rigorous, to say the least. I once went to a school where there were five valedictorians with 4.5 weighted GPAs. I'm smart, but not in the naturally-smart-genius-way some students are lucky to be born with.

I am a try-hard. I have to study and I have to study hard. Instead of spending my weekends chasing after the few meager scraps of romance available at my underpopulated nerdy school, I'll usually spend the time cramming knowledge into my brain. And then afterward, I pray to whomever is listening I still remember most of it when it's time to put pencil to paper. There simply isn't enough time for a schoolyard fling.

At this point, you might be thinking...Why should I bother reading this story about this very boring and very normal nondescript girl? If you're anything like me and your life feels as if it hasn't started yet, perhaps this will help start your own journey.

And truthfully, this story isn't so much about me as it is about someone else. I'm the narrator, not the hero. Sure, I'm in this story, and these are going be real-life situations I took part in. And the events that transpire do affect me and shape me. But I'm not by far as intriguing as the real protagonist.

This story you're about to read is about the most interesting teenager with the most extraordinary life in the entire world. This isn't a fantasy story either, she exists for real. I had to change the names of people and places; including our heroine's name. Some things are best left for speculation.

For some inexplicable reason, this girl invited a forgettable girl like me to tag along on her adventure. And now, I'm officially extending her invite to you.

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