Areoclyse Dragon Species:
I've had this species stored away in my sketchbook for a while so I decided it's about time to bring it out into existence!Identifiable Features:
•Spiked frills on both sides of the head
-Hatchling: 4 spikes {2 per side}
-Adolescent: 6 spikes {3 per side}
-Adult: 8 spikes {4 per side}
-Elder: 10 spikes {5 per side}
•Frills show emotion just as a cat's ears would.
-pulled back when scared
-drooped downwards when sad
-perked upwards when happy or excited
-tilted vertically somewhat on either side when thinking or confused
•Long, slender neck, torso, and legs
•Free-floating ability
•Small, cat-like noseVariety & Selection:
-Whiskers are available for Areoclyse of adult or elder rank.
•Smooth skin vs Fur
-Smooth skin may have hints of sparkles {any color}, whereas fur may have a subtle gradient.
•Pale eyes vs Pupils
-Pale eyes can come in any color.
-Pupils can come in any shape & color.
-Heterochromia is available as well.•Third eye
-Third eyes are available from young adults to elders.
-Pupils are also optional for this feature.•Tail
-Tufted tail is made of fur, whereas, a spade tail is made of scales.
If you want to create a character of this species please comment on this chapter with info or questions you may have.
I'd love to see what you create!Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been swamped with school and stress, all that fun stuff. I hope to get into updating more frequently.
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Bottomless Art Pit
RandomFrom Reference Sheets to random doodles I do in class. Jump in at your own risk.