chapter 1-Meeting Liza and Jax

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N/a-well Hey guys ,just so u know ,this story is based in America and I'm not from America and I think things are pretty different there then they are where I am so sorry if some things are way off than usual.


Here I am and u r probably wondering who I am,well I am a girl named Eliza. I only have 1 friend.all I do is read books and study.I'm a straight A student and I totally hate sports. I live in Los Angeles in America.I have 1 brother and I'm 15 in 9th grade at Travis High.I'm a total nerd,I always have my nose in a book and I never plays sports.I have 1 elder sibling,his name is Parker and he's 18.I live with my mom and my dad and we're not a rich family,we're probably in the middle class.Well now u know me.

Next day

'Liza"my mom shouts as I am sleeping and I decide 2 ignore her."Elizabeth  Jackson,wake up,this instant"
"Ok mom,I'm up,geeeeez"I wake up and go prepare for my first day of school.I decide 2 put on a white Adidas hoodie with a matching tracksuit with my black vans.

I then go down stairs ,fist bump my big bro and go face the Dragon lady that fyi I totally love with all my heart and is my favourite person in the world but can be annoying at times (most of the time),my mother Lisa."Hey mom,sorry I woke up late,I'll never do it again"I lie to her."You always say that Eliza"she states.She's right I use the word sorry a lot and always break my promises.I should totally work on that."I'll make it up 2 u but not right now ,I have to jet"I say as I grab a peace of toast and run 2 my car.My car is a White Audi A4 btw.I drive as fast as I can and well I finally get there I see my bff Tessa run 2 me.

"Liz,I've missed u so much,she says as she hugs me."I've missed you too,chicka."I then start walking to my locker while Tess goes on and on about her holiday.

"Krrrrrrring"rings the bell.I walk over 2 my geo class and get 2 my usual seat which is in the 3rd row from the back.Tessa seats next to me ,texting her thumbs away.
Then our teacher,Mr Cassels walks in."Good Morning class,I'm your Geo teacher Mr Cassels,I don't really have any rules ,all u have 2 do is to listen to what I say ,do your homework and laugh at my jokes and bring me chocolate like every day,"he says while most of the class is laughing at his coolness for a teacher then a boy I've never seen before walks in."Oh and by the way class ,this is our new student Jax,he's from England please treat him well".Man,this guy is so hot,he's wearing a black tee along with a leather jacket and has black tracksuit pans.And he's brown hair compliments his black eyes perfectly.

"Would you like to introduce yourself Jax,'asks our teacher.He then walks to the front of the class and says "I'm Jax Crompton and yeah that's all you need to know,can I go sit down now"he says turning back to Mr Cassels.Mr Cassels nods his head and he walks to the only seat open which is next to me.I stare at him as he's listening to whatever trash Mr Cassels is saying and as I'm staring he turns his head to me and says "It's rude to stare princess,I know I'm hot but please its just so uncomfortable now,"he says with a wide smirk on his face.I turn my head back to the board and pay attention to my teacher realising I'm too young to have crushes and decide to ignore this dude and act completely blank for the whole day.

"KRRRRRRNG"the bell rings telling us to go.I quickly rush out,running to the cafeteria.I know you're probably wondering why I'm running, well today is Frie-day ,which means the lunch lady's will be serving the best fries ever with whatever you ask for.I wait in line,get my food and head to my table where Tess is eating and texting at the same time."Tess,I love you and all but you text a lot, are you sure u are human?"I ask while laughing at my own joke."Haha,very fun Lisa but I do a lot of important things on my phone,"she says."Like what?"I ask inquisitively."Like....Like ,hmmmm,like the thing,uhhhh OMG did you see how cute the new boy is,"she says trying to avoid my question since I'm always right.'Yeah,what about him,"I say causally."He was totally flirting with you babes,"she says excitedly."Well,I don't date Tess and you know that ,well I think he'll change that bcz here he comes,"Tee says while walking away,thinking she'll 'ruin the moment'.

"Hey Princess,he greets while sitting where Tess was."Uhhhm,are we friends,"I say highly annoyed."Ouch babe,you hurt me," he says fake crying.

As I'm talking to Jaxx the Queen Bee of the school aka the bitch Queen struts over to our table wearing the most revealing outfit I have ever seen.

"Hey Jay,I'm Giana,I'm the cheer squad captain,welcome to Travis,"she says with a mean smile on her face.
"Hey,my name is Jax not Jay and what do you want from me ,can't you see you're ruining the moment I'm having here,"he says annoyed by Giana."What,you're friends with this rifraf,aha,that's funny honey,"she says.
"Gia,leave,you're not wanted here,"I say to her in a brave way."you are just so annoying Eliza,Mark my wards I'll be back,"she says sashaying away.

"Well,she seems nice,"says Jax."Bye,I need to go now,"I say to him while gathering my stuff."I know its really hard to be sitting next to someone this hot so that's probably why you are leaving,bye Angel,"he says waving while eating his fries.

A/N:heeeey guys,Wakandan Queen here,I hope you enjoyed my book,what do you think of Jax's character,plz make sure to vote and comment.Love y'all.

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