Chapter 2-twins are here!!

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Hey everyone,well like I hope u enjoyed my first chapter,this one is going to be fired up!!I'm sorry this update took so long,plz don't forget to vote and comment.Love y'all😘

"Wow,"I say to myself.The new boy is actually nice.He seemed like a total rebel,maybe we could actually be friends.I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
"Rrriiiing,riing"rings my phone."Hey Tee",I say happily.

"So I saw you and the cutie,what were you guys talking about?"

"We didn't really speak bcz Giana came and started speaking to Jack,"

"Ughhhhhh,that totally seems like something Giana would do, she likes ruining the moment."

"She didn't ruin anything because Jax and I aren't dating neither are we friends"I say annoyed.

"If u say so,anyway I have to go chicka,byeeeee"

"Byeeeee bishhh"

"Lizzy come down honey,I have to tell you something,"yells my dad.BTW if u haven't noticed all my nicknames are taken from my actual name,Elizabeth.I walk down the stairs and see my parents sitting at the dinner table,this isn't going to be good.

"Have a seat darling,"says my dad while pointing to the seat in front of them."Eliie..uhm you might not like this but your father and I have to go live in Ohio for sometime so you won't see us a lot,"says my mom with a worried tone.I was actually not bothered at all because it meant I got to eat fast foods and hang with my big bro who is like the coolest sibling ever,well he's my only sibling but that's not the point right now."Oh so when are you guys leaving?"I hope they say tomorrow,the earlier the better."We're leaving on Sunday after our Sunday dinner."says my father."I'll miss you guys but its cool,do what you've got to do and anyway my bro is here with me so don't worry yourselves while you're gone,"I say while hugging them."You are being so grown up about this,I'm so proud of you lil Liz,"says my dad while kissing me on the forehead.

"Well,I'm going back to my room,byyyye."I say walking away."Bye sweety," my parents say in unison.
"Oh honey,I forgot to tell you,your cousin's Ashley and Bradley are coming."said daddy.

"Ok,cool,"I say calmly while going back to my room.

Brad and Ash are the coolest cousins ever,in fact they're the funniest people in the family.They're totally awesome.They're twins but don't look alike at all,actually they look alike a little bit but just a little which is totally wierd but hey weirdness is in right now.ok,that's a lie wierdness isn't in at all,only awesome people like me think wierdness is in.Ok,that was a lie too,I'm actually a nerd but hey I'm awesome to myself though.

But having Ashley and Brad over is not the best thing ever sometimes because they always and when I say always I mean always,they ALWAYS drag me into doing stupid stuff and they always throw party's which is horrible.You are probably asking why its horrible.Well it's horrible because a bunch of people that I don't know come into the house,eat all the food and leave the place a mess.Ashley and Brad always force me too clean it up which is the worst can you imagine what I find on those floors,just imagining it makes me wanna puke(ewww).I hope they don't throw a huge party this year.

I wonder when they're arriving.And that's when I heard a person knocking at the door.I hope it's Bradley and Ashley.I quickly jump off the bed to see who's at the door.As I look out the window,I see

two people at the door bickering and pointing at each other.One of them looks notices me watching them and waves.OMG!!!that's Ashley.I can't believe they're here already.

I quickly run downstairs son I can help them with they're bags."Hey Liza,come give your favourite cousin a hug,"says Bradley.I then go and hug him."Liz,I think you're hugging the wrong twin because I'm your favourite cousin,"Ashley says while hugging me too."you guys are both my favourite cousin's so stop fighting,"I say in a cool tone."Hey where's my dude Parker,"asks Bradley."I'm right here,"says my bro while coming downstairs."Wassup Man,"says Bradley while they do their wierd handshake.Bradley and Parker are like best friends.Parker even considers Bradley as his bftf (best friend in the family)and so does Brad.
"Let me help you with your bags,"I say as I take Ashley's suitcase."Ncooo,thanks cuz,I can't believe you're so grown up,"she says while fake crying and wiping away her pretend tears."So who's getting the guest room this year,"she asks.Ashlyn doesn't like sharing anything.She doesn't like sharing rooms,beds,make up,clothing or anything else that can be shared."I say we play rock paper scissors for the room,"says Bradley."Ok but just so you know lil bro,I'm gonna win because losing is something that never happens to me,"she says in a diva way."If you say so sis and dude we're the same age,we were born on the same day,you're only older than me by 3 minutes,"he says while rolling his eyes.

"Rock,paper, scissors shoot!!!"they both shout.

"I win!!I told u I was going to win but u never listen Bradley."said Ashley.

"Yeah,yeah,whatever sis but at least I'm going to share a room with Parker,the awosemest dude in the world!!!"

"Is awesomest even a word?!"I say while laughing.

"Well it is now cuz," He says.

"How many times have I told u that you can't keep making up words,Bradley?!"

"Dude,I never listen to you get that into your empty head,"he says while chucking.

"Yeah whatever,"she says while rolling her eyes like some snobby rich kid.

"Well,I'm tired so I'm off,see ya," he says while walking to Parker's room

Hey everyone👋I hope u enjoyed this chapter thank you for reading my book,plz make sure to vote and comment.Y'all are the best.U guys are welcome to give me any ideas for the next chapter in the comments section.

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