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first person

Joohyun's POV
"I'm just overreacting." I tried to convince myself, rubbing my forehead. The nasty feeling in me still lingers, however, and I begin to feel sick. "What kind of lovesick fool am I?" I asked myself, exhaustion and stress taking over me. 'How could you fall so deep?' I mentally asked myself, thinking of Y/N in the process. Millions of thoughts flood my mind, each one stressing to think about. I eventually had enough energy to stand up and walk around, trying to organize all of my thoughts. As I organize my thoughts, Y/N popped up and made files of reflections and emotions that I had organized fall down, ruining everything.

Is she the one who is making me sick?

Does she have this mysterious poison to her that's harming me?

Or am I just lusting for her?

What if I need to confess?


The next day, at night...

I wait outside my apartment, looking around for Seulgi's car. Eventually, a car got near me and stopped. The window rolled down to reveal Seulgi, dressed in a dark red dress. "Hi, Seul." I said, waving to her awkwardly. She had looked more classy, yet sultry than usual, making me think of what the date is going to be like. "Hey, Y/N. The door is unlocked, you can get in now." Seulgi said, waving back. Once I was in the car, the car began to start again and we were off to our date location.

"You look nice." Seulgi said, complimenting me. "Thanks." I responded with the first word I had thought of. Seulgi's car was thick of the smell of expensive fragrance and an alluring aura from Seulgi herself, making me think of tonight being quite romantic. "So, where are we going?" I asked, looking out the window at the city. "A nice restaurant nearby. Quite fancy, I might say myself." Seulgi said, taking a quick look at me. "Oh..." I said, the word accidentally slipping out. "What? Not interesting enough?" Seulgi asked. "No, it just slipped out." I answered back. For the rest of the ride, we ended up talking in small sentences, no one sparking up a conversation. Eventually, we stopped outside a fancy restaurant, the golden light inside illuminating the streets outside.

"Alright, let's go in now." Seulgi said, grabbing my hand. We walked into the restaurant together and immediately, I was in wonder and amazement with the decor of the restaurant. Glass chandeliers decorated the ceiling, white and light blues painted the walls, and it just seemed like a palace overall. "Wait here. I got to talk to the waitress." Seulgi said, walking up to the waitress who was standing behind a counter, waiting for customers. I stood still, taking in the scenery as much I can. After what seemed like forever, Seulgi came back and grabbed my hand. "We should head to our table." Seulgi quickly whispered in my ear, taking me to a table nearby.

Once seated at our table, the waitress pulled out a small notebook and a pen. "Would you like to drink?" the waitress said, looking at the both of us. "Um, I'll get water, please." Seulgi said, her eyes looking closely on the menu. "Oh, I'll get water too." I said, saying the first thing that came up in my mind. "Alright, I'll get your drinks in a minute." the waitress said, walking away, leaving Seulgi and I alone.

I couldn't shake off the horrible feeling inside my gut. Almost everyone in the restaurant was looking at us, either with surprise or pure disgust on their faces. Getting all this attention made me scared again and I start to feel paranoid. "Hey, are you okay?" Seulgi asked, noticing my change in behavior. "Seulgi, people are looking at us weirdly." I stated, hearing a camera snap behind me. "Y/N, it's okay. Just try to inhale and exhale and think of calming thoughts." Seulgi said, holding my hand gently with warmth. I did what she said, but the feeling still lingers, only quietly this time. "Okay, what would you like for your food?" the waitress suddenly said, walking up to us. "Oh, um, I'll get this dish." Seulgi said, pointing at something in the menu. The waitress nodded and wrote down the dish. I then realized that I had not chosen anything in the menu when the waitress began to look at me.

"Oh, um..." I said, trying to think of something quickly.

"I'll get the same thing as her, please." I said with the first thing that came to mind. The waitress sighed and wrote down the remaining words before leaving again. "Are you beginning to feel fine now?" Seulgi said, genuine concern and worry in her voice. "I think so." I lied through my teeth. I really didn't want to ruin the date much further.

After we got our food, we began to eat, but not without Seulgi's constant questions and worries.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Do you need to go home?"

My answer had always been "I'm fine." I get that she's worried about me, but I was getting a little bit...annoyed.

Eventually, we left the restaurant after we paid for our food. Seulgi took me home that night and the whole ride was in complete silence. Both of us did not spark any conversations and I only took small looks at her when she wasn't looking. Stopping at my apartment, I opened the car door and got out. Before I could close the door, Seulgi stopped me. "Hey, Y/N...I'm so sorry for today. It was my fault it turned out so bad." Seulgi said in a sad tone, her face showing guiltiness. "It's really okay. In fact, it was my fault for making you worry anyway." I stated. Seulgi was about to say something else, but stopped and sighed instead. "Okay, I'll be going now. Bye, Y/N." Seulgi finally said. I closed the door and walked into my apartment almost immediately, not even giving Seulgi a quick wave.

The date was like dominos. If one falls, the rest falls down too. If I had stopped being so nervous...
Maybe, it would've gone better.

a/n ;i'm too drained out to proof-read

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a/n ;
i'm too drained out to proof-read. :/

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