chapter two: one step forward, two steps back.

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i awake to a bright light shining on my face. i squint my eyes and let out a slow yawn. i left my curtains open again. great. for a moment though, i felt relaxed, at ease. it was just a moment, but it felt so good. unfortunately though, that moment was fleeting. everything from last night flashes back, the party, nina and anthony, and that guy. his tattoo. and his smirk. it's all too much. i quickly get up and throw on some running shorts and a tank top. putting on my tennis shoes, i grab my airpods and rush out the door.

everyone has their thing, for when they're stressed or upset. some people cry and binge eat, others do drugs or drink. some people turn to god. but for me, i just run. literally, and in other ways i suppose too. when i run i can just block everything out and not think about anything. there's this one park downtown i like to go to, its not too crowded and one of the best places to run in detroit. well in my opinion. i put on my running playlist and just zone out for miles. that is until i run into a wall. and again. it's not a wall.

it's him. the guy from last night. i feel this strange sensation wash over me. i was once standing in the park, letting it all out on my run, the next it's just me and those eyes. those damn eyes, looking at them i can't think, i can't breathe. i don't understand why this feeling is happening or why. all i know is, it terrifies me, yet excites me at the same time.

"hello? you good? or you always this quiet?" the voice says.

and suddenly i'm back in the park, i blink a couple times and i realize he was talking to me.

"you make it a habit to run into people a lot, or am i just special?" he laughs.

flustered i manage to let out something that more closely resembles a squeak then an actual voice, that says,

"n-no, i just um wasn't lo-looking. sorry uh-"

"what's your name?" he asks.

"uh josie, but no one calls me that." i fumble out.

"so what do they call you then darling?" he asks.

"jo. just jo."

"jo, isn't that a boy name?" he smirks.

"i guess, i uh don't really kn-know." i stammer.

"relax girl, i'm just fucking around. i like it. i'm rio." he says.

rio. a beautiful name for a beautiful stranger. i find myself speechless again. unsure of where we go from here. he smirks again, i'm guessing because he can sense my nervousness and the awkward silence.

"well i'll let you get back to your run. but do me a favor." he says.

"uh sure, what?" i ask.

"try not to run into anyone else on your way back, wouldn't wanna kill anyone today huh?" he jokes.

i turn a light shade of red and nod quietly. he walks past me as i put my airpod back in. he looks over his shoulder once and smirks. i snap my head forward, trying to focus. after that, i pretty much sprinted the last couple miles home, so shaken by what had just happened. in 24 hours i had quite literally, run into him, twice. it could just be a coincidence i suppose. but i was getting that feeling again. something in my stomach, that told me, it was more.
i finally made it to my apartment, running up the three flights of stairs, i turn the corner to get to my door when i see anthony.

"you have got to be fucking kidding."
i laugh.

" i can explain." he says.

"no i don't think so. and you don't get to call me that anymore." i say, pushing my way to my door to unlock it.

i slam the door in his face, ignoring his pleads to open it again. if i had my own choice, i'd start drinking now, but i have a my shift a hour, so that will just have to wait. i plug my phone in sitting it on my bedside table, and walk into the bathroom to start the shower. i walk back in my room to grab my work clothes to change into after my shower, when i hear my phone dings. i scroll through the hundreds of messages and missed calls from anthony and nina, before locking my phone again. i really don't wanna deal with this right now. i quickly button my black blouse, and pull on my black work pants. grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone, i walk out of the door, locking the door behind me.

i go down the several flights of stairs before reaching my car in the parking lot. i look to see a folded piece of paper stuck under my windshield whipper. i immediately recognize anthony's handwriting, in quick, scribbled writing it says,

"it's not what you think. meet me at your park tonight for the truth.

i roll my eyes, dismissing the thought. do i really want to listen to whatever bullshit he has to say? i don't know right now. i'm just going to go to work and block this out for a few hours. surprisingly the detroit traffic isn't too severe today, and i actually end up getting to work a little early. i walk into johnny's and am immediately greeted with the amazing smell of johnny's cooking. i'll never get tired of that. i see maria sitting at one of the tables going over a stack of papers, she looks up meeting my gaze with a smile.

"good afternoon bellissima." maria says warmly.
"hi ma." i say, breaking into a smile.

being at work with johnny and maria always brightens my day. they're my family, the closest i have anyway. i put my stuff away and start opening up the restaurant, preparing for a busy night.

tw: violence/assault

it's finally closing time, and i'm done with all my side work. i decided to meet anthony, but i'm still not sure it's a good idea. i just need some kind of explanation or closure. the entire thing caught me off guard. it was unexpected to say the least.

i drive for 15 minutes before pulling into the park parking lot. i have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, i can't explain why. i just can't shake it. against my better judgment, i get out of the car, and start walking toward a bench in the center of the park. anthony's already there, putting a bottle to his lips. great.

"glad you could make time for me in your busy schedule." anthony says slurring his words.

"what the hell are you talking about? and are you kidding me? you're lucky i showed up and here you are, drunk!" i say fiercely.

"who is that guy you were with? with the neck tattoo, in the park. my friend saw you, so don't try to deny it jo."

"i wasn't going to. and he's no one. not like it's any of your business because we're not together anymore." i spat.

it's like a switch flipped in him, i can see it. his eyes go dark and he gets up quickly, lunging at me. i feel the heat of his palm strike my face. i don't even feel pain, just shock. i look back at him, his face showing no sign of remorse.

"now you'll know better than to talk to me like that." he says.

"oh i definitely know better now. i know better than to waste anymore time with you."

he tries to come at me again, but trips in his drunken state. i take that as my chance and bolt back to my car, starting it, and driving away without missing a beat. guess he decided confronting me was more important than telling me about last night. i thought my bad luck ended with the terrible events of yesterday, but i guess not.

i get back to my apartment and immediately fall into bed, i see that i have a couple missed calls, but i ignore them. close my eyes and let my sleep over take me.

author's note!

going to loosely follow the good girls storyline, going to introduce the girls in the next chapter...get ready.

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