Dragon Types

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There are three main types of dragons; Elemental, Magic, and Standard.

Standard dragons are usually the first thing to come to mind when someone says "dragon", being the most common type. They range in forms, but they generally consist of four-legged and two-winged reptiles. They are mostly large but can range in size. Their scales are harder than any armor, and they typically breathe fire. These dragons are more on the brute strength side of the species. Mouths lined with fangs, most of them are not intelligent enough to be viewed with respect in the dragon community, due to their lack of a soul. Instead, the more powerful ones hold spirits that can be absorbed after death by humans to gain magical properties. If monsters absorb the spirit, their magic and soul are strengthened considerably.

Elemental dragons are the second most common type of dragon. Forms can range from animalistic to humanoid, and even robotic and undead. These dragons are one with the elements, the main ones being earth, fire, ice water, and air, but there are many other less common elements such as lightning, dark, undead, robotic, nature, light, and shadow. The stronger elemental dragons sometimes achieve the deepest powers of their element, such as Center Earth, Inferno, Deep Sea, Whirlwind, Energy, Space, Risen, Cyber, Life, and Shining dragons. These dragons can also cross-breed to create different mixed elements like Lava (fire and earth) or Storm (water and air) dragons. These dragons don't need to have a soul, since their power is in their element, but Elemental dragons that do have a soul or spirit are more intelligent and less reliant on instinct. They are less common in Elementals, but when their soul/spirit is absorbed, the human will gain the power of that element, and the monster will most likely go through some physical changes to fit with the element of the soul/spirit absorbed, as well as their soul's strength is increased.

Magic dragons are the rarest type of dragon, and by far some of the most powerful. They are also known as the Royal Dragons. This kind of dragon is found in legends or myths, one being the dragon that holds the universe in place. The other ones are less powerful, but have been known to rule over dimensions like the Virtual Dimension, or the Underworld. The least powerful known Magic dragons are the ones that don't have a soul but are the queen/king of a nest of dragons. It is rare for a Magic dragon to be without a soul or at the very least a spirit. These kinds of dragons are the most respected and honored among the species. Like the name suggests, most are masters of magic. They have different types of magic; elemental magic, healing magic, dark magic, light magic, and soul magic, which is also known as dragon magic because the dragon souls are much different to other souls.
It is unwise to upset a Royal Dragon, as they can command any dragon lower then they, and considering they are the top of the chain, that's a lot of power they hold.

These dragon types span to many more sub species, but this covers most of the basics. Considering population, however, that depends on the world they inhabit. If the world is human free, the dragons prosper. If there is humans, than the dragons' lives are a gamble between harmony and near extinction. Examples include the Legend of Spyro, whose world is devoid of human influence, and How to Train Your Viking, where dragons live in (mostly) harmony with humans. These two are the more well known, but unfortunately, the worlds where dragons balance on the line on extinction far outweigh the ones that don't.

There are many different kinds of dragons. Whoever finds this little journal may live in a dragon world and be appalled by the fact that there are dragons nearly going extinct. Or the reader could be staring blankly at these pages in wonder or fear over the new found information that dragons actually exist. It doesn't matter who reads this info. It matters on what you do with it. A dragon hunter, a dragon savior, or a dragon rider? Your choice.


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