Question 541

190 5 9

Meggy: I was very impatient. I was looking for him for a long time, and I was very angry because of that. I highly regret the way I acted towards him when I found him, especially when I rammed him with my kart. Mario? Where are you?

Mario: (walks in) I'm right here, Meggy. What's wrong?

Meggy: (hugs Mario very tightly) I'm so sorry for the way I acted a while back when I found you with your lemonade stand! I hate myself for doing that!

Mario: Hey, it's okay, don't cry. (pats Meggy on the head) That was a long time ago. We acted different towards each other back then. Just know that I still love you very much, Meggy. I love you 100x more than spaghetti.

Meggy: *sniff* I love you too, my sweet husband, Mario.

(Mario and Meggy kissed each other.)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 3 (Questions 377-554)Where stories live. Discover now