Problem chapter 8

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6 months later.

“Ugh Rick help me up.” Kate said struggling to get off the couch,

“We should go shopping today.” Rick suggested as he helped his 8 month pregnant wife off the sofa,

“And we need to start painting the nursery.” Kate said waddling over to the kitchen,

“Alexis is painting that, and ordering the furniture.” Rick reminded her,

“But should we not help her, it’s a big task.”

“I will be helping, you can help a small bit too.”

“Ok so clothes shopping today then?”

“Yeah, you go get changed into something proper and we’ll go then.”

“Can we go to Remy’s too?” Kate asked,

“Of course we can.” Rick said smiling as his wife walked into their bedroom.

He couldn’t wait to have another kid, and this time the marriage would last.

“Rick do I look fat in this?” Kate asked coming out of the bedroom wearing a loose white flow dress that they bought last week.

“You look beautiful.”

“But do I look fat in it?”

“No, you look pregnant, two completely different things.” Rick said reassuring her.

“Ok well let’s go and pick out clothes for our baby.” Kate said grabbing her bag.

“I’m driving though!” Rick said,

“I’m pregnant not disabled Rick, gimme the keys.”

“Nope, I’m driving or we don’t go.”

“Fine.” Kate grumbled as they left the flat.

30 minutes later they were walking around in the mall looking for baby shops.

“Ooh!” Rick said pointing to a shop, “Can we go in there?”

“Sure.” Kate said waddling towards the baby shop.

It was painted yellow and had clothes on display in the window.

“Look!” Rick said sounding like a little child on Christmas,

“What is it babe?” Kate asked following him to a clothes rack,

“It’s a tiger onesie! Can we get it please?” Rick said giving her puppy eyes,

“Sure, it’s your baby too.” Kate said putting it in the basket.

For the next half an hour Rick went around that shop picking out onesies and clothes for their baby.

“Rick we can’t get that.” Kate said pointing to the dinosaur onesie that Rick had put in the basket,


“What if it’s a girl, we can’t have her wearing a dinosaur onesie.”

“Alexis wore them all the time, it was super adorable.”

“Ok well if our baby gives out when she’s older because there were pictures of her wearing a dinosaur onesie, you’re to blame.”

“It’s going to be a boy.” Rick said sounding confident,

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