Simple Survival

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Exploring the abandoned buildings that have decayed and crumbled down from the weight of roots and the inhabitants of other creatures. Tiger, lions, birds everything that was once a recognized species have now all evolved. Adapted to their environment in order to survive. Butterflies were twice the size but have a strange face. Still long tongue but fucking weird.

“Agony. Got any wings to spare?”

Agony crunches your bones to mutate you to look like a dragon.

“No. Flying capabilities are not part of. A strong enough creature with the right matter of pure flying genetics can help me copy their DNA and make it ours. But your body is not capable of maintaining the concentration of wings. You are not suitable for flight.”

Shaking your head you snarl out and sneeze out black liquid. “That's just nasty..” Agony says as you sniff and transform back to another creature.

“Be honest should I just talk to my kid or should I spank her or beat her ass. How does this parenting work? Sniffing at a weird fruit that looks like a pear you bite it gently and snap it away from a tree as the stem pours out green liquid. “Nature became nasty.” You mumble with the strange peach in your jaws. Setting it down you start to munche on it the green juice comes out but it has a pleasant smell and the somewhat flavor of peach is there. This a whole new world with a fruit that has an unusual taste. After sometime you will get used to the taste and continue to call this a peach.

“Parenting is not of my problem this is between you and the creator. How you raise a child is beyond me. I just follow you.” Agony says working on digesting the fruit to get rid of the so called milk that was in your coffee. Stepping aside you start to gag and vomit out the fruit along with some other things. You have left the walls for who knows how long circling the walls never going too far just in case you sense danger from Wesker.

Snarling you fought with a creature almost identical as you. The creature shoved you by your shoulders up against a tree as you both barked like wild dogs snapping at each other's jaws. Tongues bled, gums were scarred and ears were half bitten. A sharp spiked tail wiggled as it tried make aim for your head . The moment it stabbed the bark you snapped your jaws on its tail as the creature whimpered.

It's incredible that this creature is almost the same as you. Its tail retreated as it snarled and snapped down on your neck. The Iris of your eyes grew as your strong will of survival begin to peek. Slamming your palm on its head as it dug it's teeth deeper into your flesh you slammed the side of your fist against its face.

Digging your thumb into its eye it released your neck letting out a howl but it slammed it's hand against your neck to keep you in place with the tree. Its tail moved once more viciously thrashing at your head and it smoothly moved down quickly taking aim to stab your side underneath your rib. Snapping your jaws shut with your eyes wide opened you continued to punch it across its face as it kept you pinned. The dagger of the tail forced itself deeper in search of your heart. Whimpering you felt it stab through your lung. “Agony!” You screamed out.

“We won't die!” He screamed in your head. Snarling your eyes darkened as you blacked out and visioned this creature in a blur. It's anatomy is similar to yours so grabbing hold of its tail the creature takes the advantage to bite the same spot as it's teeth dug even deeper.

Digging your nails into the tail in order to hold it back from moving any more in your lung. With your free hand you know this creature has the same instinct of survival as you do so you just need to be more aggressive. Sticking your finger into its ear the sudden burst of the eardrum being damaged made it to back up whimpering holding its ear as the ringing continued. Stepping forward you breathed in deeply and let out a roar. The creature shook its head and returned the road. Now free from the tree your tail appears. Crouching on all fours you lick your lips as the creature charged, leaping you tackle it so hard slamming it up against a tree breaking it down.

Now it's cornered lashing at it you manage to dodge an attack as you step to the side and force your tail around its  neck. The creatures bottom jaw opened from the force and you took that as an advantage to grab it and force it's upper jaw up with your other hand. Forcing them to open separately. Its tail stabs right through your body but that just made your arms force themselves apart snapping half its head off leaving only its bottom jaw with wiggling tongue.

Staggering back you fall back looking at its body twitching in movements it's arms swinging around while it's tail moved stabbing itself. At last it stopped it's muscles tensed for a second till it slammed down completely to the ground. Panting heavily you slowly transform back to human. “My turf” you let out a heavy breath “bitch.” groaning you force yourself up and stagger to a tree as your hands grow sharp claws to help you climb up. On a balanced branch you relax on it stretching your legs out as your body dripped black blood.

Other creatures will smell the blood but they will believe it's the corpse bellow you.

Most injuries people and creatures would move away from something they killed but you are a survivor. It's best to be close to the corpse while you are heavily injured. Especially with the amount of blood you are losing, if you travel anywhere else other predators will catch on your smell. So it's best to be here with this corpse while predators think your blood is its blood.

Groaning you watched the sunset. “Look at that.”  you shut your eyes feeling the sting on your arm. “sunset.” You force the word out.  It's hard to imagine you fought this creature the entire day and finally you killed it.

Agony's black slime covered your body as he worked on healing the deep wounds. “This creature has done so much damage. It will take me some time. Don't bleed out on me.” Your arm dangled to the side with a stream of blood and your eyes begun to feel heavy but you wanted to continue on watching the sunset. Night covered the sky while  Agony forced the quick regeneration of cells as the muscles that were cut in half reached out to each other to close. Snapping awake from your sleep you released a scream feeling the most painful cramp. “Sorry.” Agony says as he continues to connect muscles. Working like a busy spider with its web. Covering your face you cried out tears having moments of being back at the lab the PTSD of the pain brought back so many memories. Being strapped to the table the sound of machines digging into your teeth.  Screaming out in tears the fractured ribs that had small bits in your muscles were being melted by an acid.

“You have fractures small bits of bone fragments in your muscles, I'll have to wipe your body with acid. It will melt away half of your muscles, cartilage and bones but it will help me recreate everything.”

Breathing heavily you panted and at one point your own lungs seemed to be at your throat. “It burns! Agony! It burns!” Closing your fists you hear laughter from Hyena's these are much larger and tall predators they travel in packs. This wouldn't matter if you were injured.

“They couldn't have chosen a better time.” Agony says covering your vocals with slim so your screams were silent. Agony uses all of his matter to create a cocoon to cover your body in order to keep you on the branch and protected. By tomorrow your healing will be done and it'll be as if nothing had happened.

The Tyrants Reign (Wesker X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now