The wedding

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Percy P.O.V

Hey! You all know me but this is different then all my other adventures. This adventure is more dangerous then any ever known, a *shudder* wedding. I mean me and annabeth are both 19 now and I can't say I am not thinking about a wedding of our own but still this kind of wedding is ALOT different. This is a satyr/ nymph wedding. Thats right grover and juniper are finally getting married.  Took them long enough. So this is the story of what happend at the wedding.

It was June 19th the day of grover and junipers wedding. Annabeth was shaking me awake. Thats right me and annabeth live together.  After the war with gaea the greeks and romans were at peace. We had all decided to make one camp for greeks and romans. We built a huge city around camp half blood and increased the borders. There in the city is were the seven and a bunch of other demigods live. Last year when we were both18 we got an apartment together. So anyway annabeth was shaking me awake and saying "come on seaweed brain wake up". I just groaned and coverd my face with a pillow. she then said "okay seaweed brain don't get up. If you don't then you won't get any of my blue pancakes" that got me up. After my mom found out we were going to be living together she insisted that she teach annabeth how to make all her blue specialties.  Annabeths are almost as good as my mom and that's saying something. So anyway I bolted out of bed and ran into the shower, I used my powers to turn the pressure on high so I would get done quicker. I was done and dressed within 7 minutes. I then ran out of the bedroom and into the kitchen chanting " pancakes pancakes pancakes! ". Annabeth just laughed. She grabbed the pancakes of the stove and grabed the chocolate syrup. After annabeth made the pancakes for the first time we decided to throw some chocolate syrup on it and we got hooked. I was so in grossed in my pancakes I didn't even notice the laughing coming from the living room. I finished the 5th pancake within 3 minutes and ran into the living room to see what was going on. In there I found grover and juniper laughing with annabeth at the chocolate covering my face. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" I asked. Annabeth just shook her head amd said "seaweed brain we've been over this, grover is here to take you into camp to the posiden cabin to get your suits on while I take juniper to the aphrodite cabin to get in our dresses and makeup" she explained like she was talking to a child. "Yea man time to go put on the suits" grover added. I sighed and said "okay lets go. See you later wise girl". Me and grovet waved to yhe girls and left. In the city there are no cars but there is everything you could ever need inside of the city. A barber shop, a salon, a grocery store, college, houses and everything else you could ever need. But grover and juniper decided to get married in a beautiful clearing coverd in flowers in the woods. There theme colors are simple. Just white and light green. I am grovers best man. Annabeth is junipers maid of honor. Me and all of grovers grooms man are wearing black suits with white shirts and light green lilies in the pockets.  After an hour of pocking and proding the suits were on and fitted. Huh I wonder how the girls are doing.

----------------------------LINE SKIP TO THE GIRLS----------------------------

Annabeth P.O.V

Hello. When me and Juniper got to the aphrodite cabin we were yanked inside by all the aphrodite girls. The brides maids all had long flowy light green dresses with a white belt that had white flowers. It had a sweetheart neckline. The aphrodite girls cureled my hair in perfect ringlets. The brushed a light pink blush on my cheeks and a small bit of light green eyeshadow on my lids. They put a pink tint on my lips. When they finally let me look in the mirror I gasped. I looked beautiful. I then turned around and gasped again. Juniper was standing behind me and she looked so beautiful she was crying her green tears. Her makup was perfect and it was time to go. Her makeup was light green eyeshadow and black eyliner with glitter in it. Her cheeks were a rosy read and her lips were read to. I will let percy explain the dress. Her hair was in a vary complicated up do with flowers weaved in. It was now time to go into the woods for the ceremony. By the time we get there the boys were already standing at the altar. I was the maid of honor so I had to go first I took a deep breath and started walking down the isle. I couldn't help but hope that soon it would be thalia walking in this position and me in junipers, getting married to percy. I continued walking and noticed how weird this wedding was, but I will let percy explain.

Percy P.O.V

I saw annabeth walk down the isle in her bridesmaid dress. It was the same as all the others but I have to say she looked the most beautiful in it. When she came to a stop in front of the altar and took her place as maid of honor I winked at her and grinned. She smirked and mouthed "you checking me out seaweed brain". I mouthed back " yup" she just stifled a laugh. Then after all the bridesmaids came down the isle, there was juniper. She was wearing a long flowing light green dress with the fabric made to look like it was flowing like water down her body. There was dark green vines wrapped around her waist. From the vines sprouted intricate whit flowers. She had a sweetheart neckline and light green beads. After looking at her I looked around and saw how weird this wedding was. The only demigods here was me and annabeth. Everyone else was either a nymph or satyr. The satyrs were all munching on grass and pizza or sleeping. All the nymphs were better behaved but they were painting there nails and gossiping. I saw nymphs sitting in the trees chatting with the squirrels. All and all me and annabeth were the only ones being respectful. I never thought that I would be * twitch * respectful. Anyway zoning back in I heard grover say I do as did juniper. We then all ran to the reception. In the reception I was expected to give a speach. I stood up and walked up to the mike. "Hey everybody!  Well I was expected to give a speech so here I go. Grover I have known you since I was 12, you me and annabeth are the original trio. You were my satytr my protecter my best friend and you still are. You always called yourself a failure,  but you are not. You found thalia, Annabeth, nico, bianca and me. Not trying to brag but those are the most powerful demigods in the last milenium." Everone laughed "G-man you are the best sayter ever don't forget it, also take care of juniper. I may not know her that well but I do know that she is a amazing nymph, and she deserves the best. Remember man happy wife happy life." Everyone laughed again " thank you and cheers ". I went off stage and sat by annabeth. We sat there for another 20 minutes which felt like 20 hours because of our ADHD. I then whispered to annabeth " hey lets sneak out and go to the beach" she smiled and nodded.  We then sneaked out to the beach which after tonight I think will be her favorite place.

Annabeth P.O.V

after me and percy snuck out we went for a walk on the beach. We just walked and talked for about 10 minutes. He then said to me "hey annabeth, do you remember when we were 12 and we played hacky sack with an apple?" He asked. "Yes" I responded.

He then got down on one knee and tossed me a red box shapped like an apple. He then said, still on one knee "Annabeth when I saw you walk down that isle today I thought to myself, I wish that soon it will be her walking down that isle in a white dress. Annabeth you are my fighting partener, my best friend, and my true love. I will go through tartarus for you again if I need to. Will you do me the honor of becoming Ms. Jackson." I nodded and smiled through the tears of joy. He oppend the box and slipped the ring on to my finger. I then realized the symbolism o the apple. In ancient Greece when you through an apple to a maiden you propose. I then looked down at the ring on my finger. It was a simple silver band but that was were it stopped being simple. There was a silver owl right in the middle and 2 sea green pearls on both sides of the owl. It was beautiful. I then noticed that on the inside of the band there were the words "wise girl and seaweed brain forever". I started crying and ran towards my seaweed brain. I tackled him in a hug. He carried me into the ocean and under the water in an air bubble. There we kissed and fell asleep.

Hi. Did you like it. I know this is a gruniper (grover and juniper) story but I love percabeth so much I had to put that in there. I have a idea for another percabeth proposal one shot. Tell me if you think I should do it. Read my other stories please! Goodbye!

<3 ME!

The satyr/ nymph wedding ( a percy jackson one shot)Where stories live. Discover now