Battle Front

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   Astrid awoke to wrenching abdominal pain. She winced and cursed Freja as she clutched at her stomach. "What the heck.."
   She looked over and noticed that Hiccup wasn't in the bed. "Whyyyyyyyy?" She groaned.
   Astrid got up and made her way into the over to the other end of the hut, where she found Hiccup on the couch reading. As she plopped down next to him he wrapped his arm around her.
   He immediately knew something was up. "What's wrong?"
    She snuggled into him, soaking up his warmth. "My stomach is killing me."
   Hiccup sighed apologetically and sat up, signaling to Astrid for her to turn around with her back facing him. "Are you supposed to start your period soon?" He said as he began rubbing her lower back.
"Unfortunately." She groaned.
He pressed his thumbs up her back with plenty of pressure, knowing that was her favorite part. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and hummed contentedly.
"I can make a quick run to Gothi's." He suggested.
"No, nothing ever helps."
Hiccup wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled Astrid into his lap, kissing her soft golden hair. Then a mischievous smirk spread across his face. "Well I could just get you pregnant. Then you'd be period-free for nine months!"
   "Hiccup Haddock!" Astrid burst out laughing.
   "Oh imagine!" He said, tickling her sides, making her laugh even more. "Cute little baby running around the house!"
"Hiccup!" Astrid squealed. "We're only eighteen!!!"
"You're just jealous because you know I would be the favorite!"
Astrid smirked. "Ohhh you'd be the favorite?!"
The next thing Hiccup knew, he was on the ground with Astrid's foot planted on his chest. He looked up at her, mildly surprised that he hadn't expected that.
"Ha! I'm in screaming pain and I can still lay you flat!"
Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Mmhmm. I totally let you do that."
Astrid helped him up and smirked once again. "Oh yea I'm sure you did."
   Just then the twins burst into the hut. "Dragon hunters have surrounded the Edge!!" Ruffnut exclaimed.
   Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other and nodded, running out of the hut and towards the stables hand in hand. "Battle stations gang!"
   As Hiccup mounted Toothless he warbled worriedly, and looked toward the forest. Understanding what Toothless was saying, Hiccup rubbed the top of the dragon's head comfortingly. "You're right bud. We can't let the other dragons on this island get captured. Fishlegs! Head to the forest and round up the night terrors! Don't let any get caught!"
   Fishlegs and Meatlug zoomed toward the forest. "You got it Hiccup!"
   "The rest of you are with me! We'll hit the ships before they can dock."
    Snotlout pointed toward the docks, where dragon hunters could be seen running towards the gang, prepared to fight. "A bit late for that, Hiccup!"
   Hiccup facepalmed. "Then we fight on foot!"
   And the battle was on! Snotlout ran around in a circle squealing, as Hookfang had decided now would be a great time to tease him. The twins shouted battle cries, taking down three dragon hunters at once. Hiccup was in combat with a rather large dragon hunter, who seemed to be just about as stupid as he looked.
   As Hiccup chucked Inferno with his very precise aim, it went right through the dragon hunter's sleeve and into the rock wall behind him, effectively trapping him there. The dragon hunter reached up to pull it out, but it was still on fire.
   "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Hiccup warned.
   He ignored him and wrapped his hand around the fiery blade, and screamed in pain. "I warned you!" Hiccup shouted as he ripped Inferno out of the wall by the handle. Toothless appeared behind him to make sure the dragon hunter didn't try to run off.
   "Why were you sent to attack us?" Hiccup glared, "Viggo knows this island is well defended and protected."
   "I ain't  sayin' nothin'."
   Hiccup cringed at the man's poor grammar, then jerked his head at Toothless. Toothless prepared a plasma blast, his mouth illuminating the area in a purple glow.
   "Alright alright!!!!" The man exclaimed. "He sent us here to capture you're girl!"
   His heart immediately started racing. Why on earth would he want Astrid? Then it hit him. The hunter had called Astrid "Hiccup's Girl." That meant he had found out they were together! Hiccup's anger rose in him as fast as a Speedstinger. His face blotched red and he glared at the man. "Toothless." He commanded.
   Toothless shot a plasma blast dangerously close to the man, resulting in him to pass out from fear.
   Serves you right! Hiccup thought. But he was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Astrid's yell of distress.
   "Hiccup! A little help over here!!"
  Astrid was cornered by five dragon hunters. Two she could take on. Three? For sure. Four was possible. Five? No way.
   "Keep your hands off of me!" She warned, swinging her axe around.
   "Astrid!!!" Hiccup threw himself into the fight to help.
   Astrid smirked, seeing the slightly startled looks on the dragon hunter's faces as Hiccup knocked one out cold, leaving four to deal with. "Thanks babe." She kissed his cheek.
   "But of course M'lady!" Hiccup smirked back. "I'll take the two on the left?"
   "You got it!" Astrid smiled, then let out a battle cry, getting back into combat with the dragon hunters on the right.
   As Hiccup lazily blocked a blow from the dragon hunter, he arched an eyebrow at him. "You know it was really stupid to come after the girl I love." He growled. He was going to enjoy this. "Did you really think it would be easy to get ahold of her?" Then, seeing Astrid nod behind the dragon hunter, he smirked. "Have fun with the concussion!!"
   The flat side of Astrid's axe came into contact with the dragon hunter's head, and he was out like a light!!
   "The girl you love huh?" Astrid eyed him, walking up so close Hiccup could smell her sweet scent. He wasn't exactly sure how she still smelled so sweet after fighting, but he enjoyed it just the same.
   Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Hehe you heard that huh?"
   "I did." Astrid grabbed the front of his tunic, yanking him into a short, sweet kiss. "That's for  coming to the rescue." She then yanked him into another kiss, this one lasting a little longer. "And that, was for being you."
   Just then the gang showed up. "Awe come on! Really? Right in the middle of a battle?!" Snotlout complained.
    "Awe!" Fishlegs squealed.
   Astrid let go of Hiccup, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
   Hiccup smirked. "My turn."
   Her eyes widened. "Hiccup no!" She hissed. "The gang is watching! They'll never shut up about it."
   Hiccup wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into him. "Let em' look." And proceeded to capture her mouth with his.
   "That's love right there folks!!" Tuffnut exclaimed.
   Snotlout made puking noises. "I'm never gonna get that image out of my head!!!"
   Ruffnut three flower petals at the couple. Thor knows where she got them so randomly. "Love birds love birds!!"
   "Astrid and Hiccup in a battle! K I S S I N G!"
    When they finally broke apart, Astrid hit Hiccup's chest playfully. "You sir, are very lucky my emotions are all over the place right now."
   "And why's that?" Hiccup asked with a smile.
   "If they weren't I would NOT have gotten caught up in that moment!!"
   "Suuuurrree you wouldn't."
   "You know what?" Astrid tried to tackle him. Hiccup took a step back, and caught her by the arm before she face planted. "Watch it!" He cried out, trying not to laugh.
   Astrid stood straight, and attempted a "punch" to his shoulder. Hiccup caught her fist  in his hand, and they stood there, staring into each other's eyes, both smiling widely. The tension was waaay up!!
   Snotlout stares wide eyed. "If you two kiss again, I'm gonna puke."

Hiccstrid Book 4 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now