The Studio

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(THIS IS NOW EDITED!! And as a side note the girl at the top is Belle(Click and Scroll), next chapter is Bliss! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!❤️like, comment, subscribe!!❤️)

"It's not that bad I swear! All you gotta do is sit and watch!" Belle, my 19 year old sister assured me for the thousandth time.

Look it's not that I didn't want to be at a studio where hundreds of celebrities produce and film their music, it's just it's the ass crack of dawn and it's Saturday.

How did she even score this job anyway? I mean yeah, She was beyond gorgeous even when she wasn't wearing makeup. She has no flaws, is good at everything she does, and is killer at dancing. She's like a human Barbie only she's actually a genuine person. Everything about her is real. Her caramel brown hair, tan skin and blue eyes, she was stunning.

And then there was me. Looking like a train wreck. Compared to her hair mine was a dull blonde. Where her skin was a perfect tan. Mine was a pale porcelain. Her eyes were a stunning blue, mine were a shitty green.

We had most of the same facial features but some how she managed to still be prettier than me. She could get any and every guy she ever wanted and yet she's single. It amazes me.

"Earth to Bliss! Come in Bliss!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand waving in my face. "Jesus Christ you can't keep zoning out like that." Belle smirked,"you look stoned." I rolled my eyes and glared at her,"why am I here anyways?"

"Because I promised mom while she was out of town I wouldn't let you leave my side."

"Not what you say when you go out partying all night.." I sighed internally, I grabbed a bottle of water and sipped on it lightly.

"Damn. Well I need to get dressed and rehearsed. Stay here." She said sternly, "do not leave."
"Yes mommy." I said sarcastically and I earned a sharp glare from her before she walked off.

I decided since I was going to be here awhile I might as well find a seat. I walked around until I found a pale blue plastic chair, not the best support but it'll have to do.

I dragged it back to where Belle had ordered me to stay, and sat down with a soft plop.
Soon she came out on stage wearing some loose white shirt and back nike shorts. God how could she even pull that off? I would never know. After about an hour of watching her warm up and go over the dance routine, mostly spins and kicks, but she made it look oh so graceful. Because ya know, she's perfect. My bladder and I ultimately decided I NEEDED to use the restroom.

I wondered out of the dance room searching aimlessly for a bathroom in the abandoned hallways. It wasn't creepy or anything, the walls were actually a bright blue with various pictures hung all over them. The more twists and turns I took down the hallways the softer the music got and I was starting to get the feeling there wasn't a bathroom. I found myself lost, and feeling like my bladder was about to explode.
I sighed and looked around trying to figure a way to get to a bathroom or back to the studio as I walked further.
I passed various rooms mostly empty with couches and closets, which I assumed were dressing rooms. I plopped down on my rear.

"This place is endless!" I huffed.

"Yea, it can be tricky." A deep voice cooed making me jump up in surprise. Suddenly I recognized the figure,"Y-you're Andy Biersack." I swear my eyes probably looked like golf balls.
"In the flesh." He smiled, "what're you doing all the way down on the west wing? Better then that, who are you?" He raised a brow, "don't tell me you're another crazed fan who's going to admit their unhealthy obsession to me-"
"What- no! I was looking for the bathroom and I guess I got lost... I-I'm Belle's sister, she's one of the dancers in your music video.." I could feel my face gradually heating up as my palms started to sweat.

"Oh! Ohhh!" He smirked,"well the bathroom is back down the hall to your left. And then I can just show you back to the studio if you'd like." He smiled.

Oh. My. God. H-He- I- shit Bliss words! "Er- y-yea! That'd be great!" I smiled softly feeling my whole face heat. Andy Beirsack just asked to walk me to the studio. Yup it's a official. My ass has died and gone to heaven.

(Okay so I officially edited this chapter and extended it! And I'd like some comments on what you think! So please feel free to Like, Comment, and most importantly, SUBSCRIBEEE! Love you guys!❤️)

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