Dont Freak Out.

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I didn't realize that I was staring until he chuckled and shook his head, "Take a picture it'll last longer."

He was even more gorgeous in person. His crystal blue eyes seemed to be anywhere but my face at the moment and I could already feel my cheeks turning a shade darker.

"Well I figured since you were complaining about being bombarded with 'crazed fans' you wouldn't want me to take a picture." I smirked sarcastically.
"Touché." He laughed. Holy shit I think I just heard angels sing when this man laughed. Speaking of man, let me tell you that Andrew is not lacking in any of the looks department. Dear lord, Belle should have told me to pack some extra panties cause god damn this man is fine- "you're staring again." Andy raised a perfectly smooth brow at me.
"It's not everyday someone gets to meet a celebrity." I said quickly trying to cover for the dirty images I had in my head just moments before.

"Well I dunno if I'd go THAT far." Andy chuckled, "I'm just your average rock star."

"And how would you describe the life of an 'average' rock star?" Now it was my turn to raise a brow and ignoring the screaming of my bladder. He shrugged finally looking me in the eyes, I could have swore I saw his eyes widen slightly as he took in my figure "well uh- hey there's the bathroom," he quickly looked at the door to my left. Well that wasn't awkward at all. "Thanks." I mumbled stiffly walking into the medium sized cubical. I quickly did my business, much to my bladders relief, and washed my hands before looking at myself in the mirror. Was there something on my face to make him feel so uncomfortable? I wasn't wearing much make up today, just a little lip gloss and mascara. I shook my head before heading out of the door quickly. Apparently a little to quick because I ran face first into Andy's chest. I stumbled back frazzled stuttering a lame apology.

"It's fine." he smiled intently looking somewhat as awkward as I was.

The rest of the walk was silent as I internally battled with myself for acting like a damn 12 year old around my biggest idol.

Right as we crossed the corridor and I saw my little blue chair calling my name I was tackled by a very distressed Belle checking me for nonexistent wounds," Where were you?! I've been worried SICK." She said overdramatically.

I rolled my eye about to tell her where I was when I was interrupted by Andy.

"She was with me. I found her in the west wing searching for a bathroom. Quite desperately might I add." Andy winked at me.  I looked away grumbling as my cheeks heated up.

"Thanks Andy." My sister smiled squeezing my hand.

"Not a problem-" He smiled as he was called by his manger, "gotta run though, nice meeting you?" he looked at me expectantly.

"Bliss- Bliss Hartwell."

He looked as though I had fed him a piece of candy when I mentioned my last name, "it's been a pleasure Bliss." I thought my knees were going to buckle the moment my name rolled off of his tongue. "Yeah for sure." I choked out quickly as he walked away. I tried my best to ignore my sisters scrutinizing stare at the side of my face before sighing and sitting back down in the chair i designated myself.

"Are you going to elaborate on whatever the hell that was?" she eyed me expectantly.

"Nope." I said quickly.

"I take you out with me one time to work and you're already trying to fuck the famous people-" I cut her off with a hiss, "it was nothing like that! do have any idea how many hallways are in this place? Like, a fucking billion. I got lost, he helped. What's the issue?"

"The issues is the lead singer of one of the most popular bands this place produces for was eyeing you like you were the last woman on earth." She bit back quietly, looking around to see if anyone was listening, "stay away from him, guys like that only want one thing and you cannot ruin this job for me." she glared at me intently.

I looked at her dumbfounded as I responded, "him? with me?" I chuckled in disbelief, "yeah right, have you seen him? why the hell would he want to do anything with me? if anything he would probably go after you." I said. My insecurities came out a little too much as I muttered my last sentence.

I could see her eyes visibly soften my her tone remained stern, "Regardless of what you might think, just steer clear of him." her statement earned a sigh from me much to her displeasure. "You're going to be here with me for however long it takes to get this job done so just keep that in mind because you'll probably be seeing him more frequently." she poked my head walking back towards the stage where they had everything set up for the shoot.

I huffed quietly before going to play on my phone for another 30 minutes before perking up when I watched the band walk out to start shooting the music video. To say that I was eager to see one certain member sing would probably be a truthful statement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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