Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad} Chapter 8: Savannah

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There's only gonna be four chapters left, so let's make those count. 

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Next chapter goal: 5 votes, 5 comments & 50 reads. :)


// Two days later //


I walked off the plane and sighed as I looked around the familiar LAX airport. I’m just so happy to be back in L.A … this place holds a lot of my most treasured memories. I pulled out my phone and turned airplane mode off, seeing that I had a lot of texts from a lot of people. There were a couple from my mom and sister, a couple from Ryan, three from Natalie, lots from Justin … but there was one that stood out the most for me.

The text from my best friend, Selena.

Selena: Sel + Sav made it. Macy’s debut fashion show next week. :)

I took a deep breath to keep back the scream that was inside of me. This is amazing. So, I quickly grabbed my luggage and dialled Sel’s number as I rolled my suitcase behind me and starting walking out to where Justin would be waiting for me.

“Hey! You’ve reached Selena’s cell, leave me a message and I’ll get back to you when I’m out of this meeting!” Selena’s voicemail says and I wait for the beep before leaving her a message.

“Hey Sel, its Sav! I can’t believe we actually got the approval! Call me back and we’ll organize the outfits for the show. Bye girl,” I said and then ended my message, about to put it in my pocket when it lit up with a message … from Justin. I smiled and then unlocked the phone, reading the message from him.

Justin: Turn around.

So I turned around and saw … Kenny?

Justin: Haha how’s Kenny looking today?

Savannah: He’s looking good, but probably not as good as you :)

Justin: Flattery. It’s getting you somewhere. Now, okay, turn 180 degrees.

I did as told and turned around, smiling as I saw my three kids running towards me.

“Mommy!” They all yelled and then gave me one big hug. “We missed you,” the three of them chorused and I laughed, hugging them all.

“I missed you too,” I smiled, now hugging them one by one. “Now where’s daddy?” I asked and two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I was kissed on the cheek and then I heard him speak.

“Daddy’s right here,” He laughs and I melt inside. His laugh just does that to me … honestly, it’s still my favourite sound. After Justin’s voice though. Anyway, I turned and gave my husband a kiss, which makes him smile and our kids go “eww!” We just laugh at them and Justin takes my bag, rolling it behind him as we make our way to the car outside.

“So, how was daddy’s cooking?” I asked Bella and she laughed.

“I liked it. It wasn’t as good as yours though, Mommy!” Bella says and that makes me laugh. I kiss the top of her head and Justin just glares at me … but then a smile grows on his face, so I know he’s not upset.

“Come on! We’re gonna go visit Auntie Selena and Uncle Drake!” Justin smiles and the kids run ahead to the car, which makes me giggle. Justin then grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. He kisses me on the cheek and I smile. “I love you,” He whispers and I smile again. I kiss him on the cheek and that makes Justin smile really big. He’s so attractive when he smiles … my heart skips beats.

“I love you more,” I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked to the car, where the kids were already waiting. This couldn’t have been anymore perfect.

Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad}Where stories live. Discover now