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It was a cold September morning and I was walking to my school with my friend Bryce.

Bryce: So Brooke, how's school been?

Me: Good I guess.... I have a test tomorrow though.

Bryce: Did you here about the new guy that is joining our school?

Me: Ugh. It's probably just some super nerd or a dumb jock.

-bell rings-

Bryce: Well gotta go, got BIO

Me: Kay. See ya later

I have art first period, math second and then first break, pretty boring if you ask me. I walk up to my locker and run into my friend Ceilidh. We are in the same classes. We talk for a little as we get our books and supplies but get pushed into the class by the mob that is eager to get started. For art we learned about some dead artist named Vincent Vangough. Math was..well same old math and first break I was inside for volleyball practice.Third period I had social studies and we learned about different cultures or something (I fell asleep half way through it) and fourth period was gym. For second break I was supost to have a track meet but it got cancled for some reason so I decided to go out for lunch with my friends Kiara, Malia, Paulina, James and Curtis I went on to the pavment where we were going to meet. I stood there with my Varsity shirt, sweater tied around my waist and my old torn up jeans. The wind blew softly and rustled they trees sending the orange, yellow and red leafs twirling down to the ground around me. I stood there for two minutes but no one was coming. I was getting tired of standing around and it was getting pretty cold, so I unrapped my sweater from my waist and put it on while I sat down on the old wooden bench underneath a huge oak tree. Finally, after what seemed like forever I hear the creak of the old school doors opening and my friends come walking out with thier hoodies and hats on.


Me: Where were you?

Paulina: Sorry we got caught up in the hall.

James: Yeah, yeah, yeah enough with the talk 'cause I'm fricking starving!

Kiara: Okay James GOD! Me and the girls will go to Starbucks and get the drinks while you guys get the food.

Malia: And get the usual.

We split up and make our way down town. We live in a small town so the streets aren't very busy. We walk along the cracked up sidewalks and talk about school. Nothing interesting comes up. It was the most akward silence ever. When we got to Starbucks we stood in line and there were boys in front of us. They looked about our age or one year older. They were probably 5ft tall and looked like they were pretty muscular. One of them had short dirty blonde hair another had orange hair, like dyde hair the shortest of the boys had blonde hair and the last one had a soft black color of hair. We hadn't seen there faces but they seemed pretty cute to be honsest. When we got to the counter we got four cotton candy frappichinos and two dark roast coffee. I had my eye on the boys when the went to their table.. I guess they were some what cute. As we were walking out the door I looked back and saw the boy with dirty blonde hair looking at me and smiling. I waved and smiled back then it looked like he giggled. We walked down the street and drank our frappichinos. Kiara and Malia would not stop talking about the boys at Starbucks

Malia: So Brooke the guys at Starbucks, they looked pretty cute right?

Me: Well I guess so...

Malia: Did you guys see their faces or anything?

Kiara: No

Paulina: No

Me: Well one of them smiled at me.


Me: Waved and smiled back.

Paulina: Someone has the hots for Brooke!

Me: Shut up.

We met up with the Curtis and James and had our lunch. It was good. Fourth period was five minutes away. When I was at my locker somone came up beside me and I thought it was Ceilidh but it wasn't. It was the guy who smiled at me in Starbucks.

Boy: Hey there.

Me: Um Hey.

Boy: What's your name?

Me: Brooke, Yours?

Boy: Aston Iriwin

Me: Well hi Aston.

Aston: By any chance were you at Starbucks at break?

Me: Yeah.

-bell rings-

Aston: Well that was the bell. Let's hang out sometime.

Me: Okay.


How do you like it so far? Good or nah? XD I will make another chapter tonight! ADD TO UR LIBARY MKAY! Luv Me.

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