Steve meets lilly!

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Steve pov
My parents and I have just moved to England from Toronto in Canada and now I live in England, I kinda wish I still lived in Canada tho.I was just walking around the area when I spot this cute girl walking along the other side of the road along with some other girls, not as cute as that one girl though, as I was staring at this girl I noticed her separate from the other girls and go into a house. The house she went into was only across the road from mine! Hopefully I'd be seeing her more often! And actually talk to her 💘.
After my walk around the estate I went back to my house, when I walked through my front door, my mum walked up to me "hey my little Steve" she said "mum don't call me that! 🙄" I hate it when she calls me that "anyways..." she carries on " our next door neighbours,  the dyke family, have invited us for dinner to get to know them, isn't that sweet," I nod in agreement "oh and they've got a daughter your age!" Oh my goddddd is my mum talking about that  girl I saw earlier! "Steve go and get ready to go!" I ran upstairs to my room, there's still boxes everywhere seeing as I haven't fully unpacked, I grabbed some smart clothes ( I had unpacked my clothes 😏) when I was ready I went downstairs and my mum and dad were waiting there for me. Not long after, I was outside the house that the beautiful girl went through, I felt ill ( I'm pretty sure it was just butterflies ) I don't know why I'm nervous I'm never nervous, girls don't make me nervous! My mum knocked on the door, and the foot then opened, when the door opened it revealed a lady and which behind her was a beautiful girl, the beautiful girl I saw earlier on the day. The lady began to speak "hi you must be the dyke family, I'm Sarah and this is my daughter Lilly" oh my that's her name, isn't it a beautiful name. "Hello nice to meet you, my name is Anne and this is my son Steve" my mum said Sarah than gestured us into the house, "Lilly why don't you take Steve around the house" "ok" she says with a cute smile, she took my hand and took me to the lounge, her hand on mine felt so good, this is gonna be a great night.
Not long after I was upstairs in Lilly's room and we were just talking until her mum called us from downstairs, "dinners ready" mhm dinner, I was getting hungry 😋. We both went down stairs and sat down at the table, "so Steve do you know what school your going to ?" Sarah asked, and I replied "yeah I'm going to the school just up the road, oak more I think it's called" Lilly than changed expression to a happy face "Steve that's where I go to school, I can show you around!" She says, maybe coming to England was a great thing. "I mean if Steve would like that" her mum said "yes, I would love that, I need a friend for when I join!" I guess when I start school I won't be that bad I literally can't wait 😊
This is my first chapter, hope you like it xx mwah

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