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I saw Gustav again two days later.

At around quarter to ten my perky, petite house mate Lucy knocked gently on the door, opening it without an answer and striding in. There was a mobile phone pressed tentatively to her ear with a perfectly manicured hand, a slow tune coming from it. She gazed disapprovingly around my room before her eyes settled on me. "Someone's just rung the bell, can you get it, doll?" She asked me firmly, her bubblegum pink lips forming every syllable perfectly. I hated the way she called me 'doll', spitting it out like it was a disease. Giving my room one last ugly glanced she turned to leave, barely checking that I had heard what she said.

With a quiet groan I rolled over, frowning at the ceiling. I didn't care that much. There were over 80 million people living in Germany, any number of them could be ringing the doorbell. How important was is that I really needed to go and see this one? "Can't you get it?"

"I'm on the phone. No."

For a few moments I contemplated ignoring it, shutting my eyes and going back to sleep. But then, "Ellie! Door! Answer! NOW!"

"They're going to have heard that." I replied sleepily, swinging my legs over the side if the bed.

"Maybe if you tried answering it they wouldn't have." she snapped back, her bedroom door slamming shut with a loud thud.

So I got up and, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, slumped through the small apartment to the front door. I could feel a cold breeze blowing in, sending a chill up my spine and erupting goose-bumps over my skin. It was far too early, and far too cold to be doing anything outside of bed. I reached the door, pulling it open and leaning casually against it, stifling a yawn with the back of my hand. It took me a few moments to realize that I actually recognized the person standing outside, and that that person was Gustav.

"Oh my god. Gus! Hi!" I grinned, standing up a little straighter.

He smiled back at me, his thin lips parting slightly to reveal a row of white teeth. "Morning Ellie, didn't wake you did I?"

"Oh no, I've been up hours. Y'know, jogging, eating breakfast, everything normal people do." I glanced down at myself, feeling his gaze falling onto my pyjamas -a pair of dark sweats and a t-shirt I had found on my bedroom floor. "This, of course, is my work attire. I'm very professional as you can see."

Gustav laughed quietly, his brown eyes flicking back up to my face. I then realised I had never checked a mirror before coming down. I could look like anything right now. "Having a bit of a domestic, huh?"

"Oh no, no," I shook my head. "I'm just living with a complete dictating bitch, that's all." Feeling the cold starting to pinch my arms I said; "Do you want to come in? I can make coffee? Tea?"

He shook his head. "I've gotta run, sorry." He tucked his hands into his pockets, shifting from one foot to the other. "I stopped round because I think you still have my jacket?" There was a questioning frown on his round face.

"Oh," I murmured, "Yes it's just in my room. One second."

I turned on my heel and jogged back to my bedroom, ignoring a dirty look from Lucy -who had returned to the kitchen- on the way. I was probably letting all the heat out and evidently killing baby seals. Anyway, I grabbed Gustav's coat from behind my door and jogged it back to him.

"Thanks, I'll see you around some time." He gave me a little nod, turning to walk away.

"Wait!" I stopped him, stepping down from the door after him. "When are you free over the next few days?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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