Seeing you again

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Chiyo Hoshimi

Me and Mark talked alot about the members, on how he said this Renjun guy decided to hide his snacks, while this guy Jeno decided to steal his phone during practice and all. While his other members just watched, good thing my members aren't like that. They're nicer anna oop-, Yuta came back with Mark's sweater, Mark decided to go back into the 127 dorm. He said goodbye and went out the door, Yuta decided to do something and grab his phone hastily. Texting someone, while still smiling and looks at me and says.

"WE'RE HAVING A COOK OFF BATTLE!"He said smiling alot, giggling. I looked at him shocked, I replied
"You can cook? I missed 4 years and you can cook now?" I look shocked while looking at him, he looked at me back and laughs he then sighs.

"It's not me idiot haha, It's you and taeyong hyung "He then said proceeding to fix the couch and going into his room. I then run at him, getting a piggy back ride.
"WHOM'ST THE FLOP?! WHY"I shouted while still hugging him, pouting. He sensed that I was pouting and giggles, he puts me down and then said.
"Well, Taeyong really wants to meet you since hes a fan of you in instagram you know, I mean I know you cook better than him even though I eat his cooking almost everyday but I can't forget your cooking back then so I texted him that y'all are gonna meet and cook together in a short, cooking battle haha"He chuckles, while brushing his hair and turns his back on me. I thought of it and why not, I mean I'm not a bad person. I look into the mirror where Yuta was looking.

"Fine..I just need ingredients to cook, Are we gonna cook here though?"I asked,he nods no, pinching my cheeks I slap his hands away and then I fix my wig and find new clothes. Grabbing Yuta's jacket and grabbing my bag, getting my sweatpants. I go to the bathroom and change I went out and look into the mirror, and I say

"DAMN I LOOK GOOD" while posing
Yuta looked at me with the face that says "wdym" I looked back at him with my resting bitch face and he then said.
"Want me to take a picture for you?" while grabbing his phone outta his pocket. I quickly nod and go to his stool chair, posing
I then heard a click meaning he already took a photo. He showed me and I gasped on how great he takes pictures,
"You could be my personal photographer from now on"I sniff, jokingly crying.He laughs. "Okay I'll get going now! Just text me where to meet"running off, grabbing my shoes leaving the dorm room.

 "Okay I'll get going now! Just text me where to meet"running off, grabbing my shoes leaving the dorm room

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Huang Renjun

Haechan and I are going to the market since Jisung and Chenle ate the snacks, and then suddenly Haechan shakes me,I look at him and he said

"Oh that's the dude I mentioned before"He
started looking at the short boy. I look at the direction he was looking at, he looks like his Jisung's age. I then said

"Oh, you mean doorbell boy? Weird but he looks handsome from afar"I shrugged thinking about how he found the 127 dorm.
"bro, he looks much more than handsome. It makes me feel weird"Haechan mumbles, luckily I heard him. I giggle at his statement
"So you gay then? I mean you are gay around mark so-"I was cut off by haechan hitting me, I hissed and noticed the short boy looking at us. Almost laughing it seems I take a good look at him and I look surprised.

"Oh..Hi japanese boy"Haechan said while looking away somewhere, he looks red but I dismissed it. Looking back at the boy, he has a girly aura around him but he sure is cute, cuter than Jisung and Chenle. The boy suddenly said. "Oh hi there donghyuck hyung" He then bows, wait he knows Donghyuck but Donghyuck doesn't know him? Weirdo, I look back at Donghyuck and he widens his eyes.
"How do you know my name, I didn't gave it to you?"He said while taking a step forward at him. I take a step forward aswell looking at the two boys infront of me.
"Oh, I heard it from Yuta hyung" He then bows in a apologetic way. Me and Donghyuck look at each other, having the same thought. How does he know Yuta hyung? I look at the boy again but this time he had a resting bitch face on, shit why do I like this? I hide my blushing face and said

"Why don't we go in the shop together since we know one another, Oh by the way I'm Huang Renjun"I then bow towards him
"Oh you're Renjun? Mark told me about you"He said laughing at Mark what told him before. What did that watermelon tell him? I laugh it off but noticed Donghyuck blushing at the boy.Ah I forgot to ask
"Oh by the way, What's your name?"I look around while we all go in the market. He looks at me and said "My name is Chiko Hoshimi, please call me Chiko"He then smiles, Goddamn he looks different when he smiles. Looking away I remember the groupchat, "Oh yeah, Hyuck. I'll go message the group chat since some of the members told me to buy certain things" I said, he nods while looking at Chiko.

Lee Donghyuck

Shit, why does this chiko person look cute. He's a boy goddamnit, but he looks so soft then he puts on a resting bitch face, ahh that's like the good part he has duality. I sigh, trying to find the snacks I wanted. I reached for the item but another hand tried to reach it aswell, I look at the person and seeing Chiko. I turned red and said "Oh you get it first " I scratch the back of my neck. He giggles and nods while going to another isle, I let out a breath not knowing I was holding in. I put my hand on my heart

"geez stop making loud noises heart"I said, grabbing the snacks


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