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If he doesn't get here in five seconds I swear-

"I'm here."

"And you're late.Where's the money?"

"Right here.You got the stuff?"

"Duhh.Here."I shove the bag at him.He looks inside before digging in his pocket, pulling out my cash.

"Here." Snatching it from his hands, I begin counting it.250, good. I put it in my pocket and walk away from him, out the alley and to my car.I slide in and start the car, I pull off quickly turn the corner.In a few minutes I'm pulling up to my-well the family house.

Parking in my spot,I kill the engine,get out and walk inside.I scrunch my nose up when the smoke hits me in the face.I close my nose with one hand and walk upstairs.

"Who the fuck is smoking so much?!" I scream into the doorway of the first room.Big mistake. It's a bit foggy,but I can see two people moving around in the bed.Gross. "Never mind,I don't want to know."

I close my watery eyes and walk out the room.I walk down the hall to the next room.

"I know someone else is in this dammned house! Who the fuck is smoking?!" I hear a high pitched laugh coming from down the hall.Pist off, I stomp down the hall and slam the door open.


"Should've known."I mutter walking over to the chick he has with him.Grabbing a fist full of her hair,I drag her out the room and down the steps.I throw her out the door, literally,and slam it shut.

"Everyone get your asses down here! Right now!" I yell throughout the house.Minutes later they all come strolling into the room,clearly unaware of how I'm about to blow up.Oh they're in for a suprise. Casey is the last to come down, he's only half dressed-since I did interrupt his sex session.

"Arriyah Elise Jones! Why the hell are you yelling?!" He roars at me.He raises an eyebrow at me and glares me down, expecting an answer.

"Casey shut the fuck up.I am tired of coming home and having the damn house smell like weed.You were to into your sex to fuckin notice! This place is a fuckin dump. It stinks, there's trash everywhere.And you guys don't help it out either.I'm sick and tired of this shit."I scream at the top of my lungs.I'm breathing heavily after I'm done ranting.

"Leave."Casey tells me before turning around and walking up the stairs."Pack your stuff and get out."

Standing there, mouth wide open I go over what he just said in my mind.Leave.Leave? Leave! No.There's no way he just told me to go.There's no fuckin way!

"Ay, you alright?"

"He said leave.He doesn't want me."I mumble,still in my own mind.I can't believe he told me to go.I can't just go. He knows that! He knows I have nowhere to go.I have no family that wants me and he tells me to leave? What the hell?!

"Ar? You know he didn't mean it.He's probably just upset."Tracey tries to reason with me.I slowly lower myself onto the couch and put my head in my hands.There's nowhere for me to go  except a foster home.My parents are gone, dead.My family doesn't want a delinquent like me around.

Casey is my father, he's been my father since I was 5! I'm 17 now, that's twelve years.And now he just wants me to leave? He knows this is my family, I can't leave these guys! He doesn't mean it, he can't mean it.

I blink back the tears threatening to spill over.I don't cry. That's what I was taught.You never cry, that shows people what your weakness is.Mine? My family. All of them, if I lost one of them I'd die.They raised me, trained me to protect myself.They take up all the space in my, stone cold heart.

"I'm not leaving.I'll never leave." I say more to myself than to anyone else.I stand up and make my way up the stairs.I listen for any noises before I walk into Casey's room.When I don't hear any, I slam the door open.The chick he was with jums back from the door.

"Get out."I tell her, glaring right into her eyes.She nods and rushes out the room.I shut the door and lean back against it, crossing my arms.

"Didn't I tell your ass to leave?"Casey spits at me.

"I know what you said.I'm not leaving,ever."

"Get the fuck Arriyah I mean it."

"No you don't.You don't want me to go,let's not lie here.Caseyll."Using his real name really irks his nerves.It's funny how I'm the only one that can do this.

"Arriyah I fuckin swear if you don't get out of my damn house right now!"

"What are you gonna do?"I ask with a small smirk playing at my lips.In a secod his gun is out and is aimed at my torso.My heart stops, I can't remember how to breathe.

He wouldn't.No. Not Casey, he wouldn't do it.There's no way he'd shoot me.

"Do it.Go ahead."I dare him.

"Fucking get out my room Arriyah."

"No.Shoot me, do it."

"Genevieve I fuckin swear.Get out."I take a threatening step towards him.Pulling out my gun, I train it on his chest area.

"You wouldn't."He tells me,smiling just a bit.

"Oh, but I would."I say in a dark tone, smiling right back.

"Both of you put the guns down now."Tracey, Casey's twin brother demands.I ignore him and continue staring into Casey's dark blue eyes.

"I want you to shoot me! Come on dammnit! I want you to!" I scream at him.Tears build up in my eyes and a few roll down my cheeks.

"Go to bed."Casey tells me, putting his gun away.Instead of listening to him I stand there, gun still in my hand, and tears rushing down my face.

"Arriyah?Arriyah?!"I hear someone yell my name but it's very distant.Black dots swim across my field of vision.My mind flashes back to when I was five.All those horrible memories.

I drop my gun and fall on the hardwood floor.On my back I just lay there as the guys circle around me.I close my eyes and black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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