~Chapter 13~

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Previously on NIGHTMARE

After being Attacked by who knows who and from where? Candace together with the team head on towards the Boscorp lab, flying in a hijacked Chopper.

~Chapter 13~

"Who were those guys?" Max asked, breaking the long silence that had fallen inside the flying machine for quite some time now.

"I don't know. Obviously we are not the last remaining humans on the planet as we had thought earlier. There are survivors out there." I said.

"Not so friendly survivors." Michael specified.

"But why were they attacking us?" Stan joined in.

"No clue. But someone definitely doesn't want us alive." Moira answered.
"But who and why?" She asked right after.

"Well we do know it's a he." I stated. "Can you find any info on Dr James McLaren?" I asked, directing my question to Nigel.

He tapped and moved his fingers on a screen that looked somewhat like a PDA except bigger.

"There's nothing much actually. Except, after the virus spread, he moved out of the country. And no one has heard of him since." He narrated.

"How sure are we he didn't take the cure along with him." I asked no one in particular.

"Always so pessimistic." Chloe nagged from the pilot seat.

I was beginning to get fed up.

"What makes you so sure the cure is there anyway." I questioned her.

"You'll see." She replied flat.

"Don't pay attention to her. You'll only fuel her up." Moira said. "Oh and that was a pretty cool move you pulled out there earlier." She complimented.

"It wasn't so crazy" I giggled slightly.

"Uhuh guys, I hate to break a happy moment but we got company." Jess cut in with a scared voice.

I quickly popped out my head to look back and spotted to black choppers in pursuit. There was a man in the same uniform the other guys were in, aiming a machine gun at us besides the built in ones the chopper had.

"Chloe!!" I yelled, drawing out a gun.

"I'm on it!!" She yelled back as the chopper increased in speed, swerving around buildings

"A quiet ride." Moira said as she readied her gun. "All I want is just one quiet ride. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??" 

Bringing half of my body outside the chopper. I aimed at the shooter with my gun in my left hand as my right held on tight to the chopper.

The plane wasn't steady so I couldn't get a direct hit although I tried so hard.

I tried steadying myself and fired three bullets towards the enemy. He quickly leaned in to evade the bullets that hit the metallic body of the chopper, leaving tiny sparks.

The shooter aimed the machine gun towards us and released fire. I quickly retracted back into the chopper as the bullets hit the choppers metallic body giving off a ptink ptink sound.

Soon enough the other machine guns built into the enemy plane joined fire, raining bullets towards us.

Chloe tried hard to evade as many as she could.

The second enemy chopper joined in. There was no chance we could return fire. Our only hope was to escape.

"We are taking heavy damage!!"  Moira yelled. We had to think fast.

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