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Name: Yukimura

Full Name: Yukimura Amari

Hero Name: The Speed and Power Hero: Blast

Romanji Name: 雪村アマリ

Place Of Birth: Tokyo


Blood Type: AB

Birthday: August 15th

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Weight: 175 lbs

Height: 6'1

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Age: 32

Occupation: Pro-Hero

Quirk: Power-Flash

Affiliation- UA High School

Tomoko Shiretoko/Amari(Wife)
Tsuyumi Amari(oldest daughter)
Tsukina Amari(2nd daughter)
Toyoko Amari(youngest daughter)
Amai Amari/Yagi(older sister)
Toshinori Yagi(brother-in-law)
Oichi Yagi(niece)
Ryu Yagi(nephew)
Sayaka Yagi(niece)

When doing Hero work, Yukimura has courage of great calieber that can rival someone like All-Might. He believes that justice is honor and will do anything he possible can do that great for others. He is also Bold when it comes ti fighting dangerous villans. When he isnt foing hero work he is a respectful gentleman...however he is quite easily embarassed whenever someone makes a dirty joke or says or does something worse. He is very shy when it comes to romance even though he is married to Ragdoll.

All Might/Toshinori Yagi-
Yukimura first met Toshinori when Amai first brought him to introduce him to their family. Yukimura was an overprotective younger brother at the time so he would always followbthe two around whenever they went on dates just to make sure that Toshinori dosent do anything to hurt his sister because he didnt fully tryst him yet. Eventually he succumbed to it and started to accept it. Overtime Amai made them spend time with one another and they seem to realize that they have much in common.

Amai Yagi/The Dancing Pheonix-
Amai treasures her younger brother. Despite being adults she still refers to him as 'Little Brother'. He accepts it and calls her 'Big Sis.' Yukimura and Amai have both been friends ever since the day Yukimura was born and at that time she was only 4 years old. She grew a quick connection with him and she had seemed to spend alot of time with him. Ever since then she stuck around and would protect him when he would ever get picked on by people. This resulted in him orotecting her from boys and beatimg them uo when he got his quirk. Ever since the beggining they have been clkser than pees in a pod.

Oichi Yagi-
Blast is Oichi uncle. Oichi seems to admire her uncle and finds him to be a good-hearted person. Yukimura adores his niece and thinks she is a bright and strong potential hero. He also felt his love for her grow after he and Tomokos wedding and loved her deeply for helping in organizing it

Ryu Yagi-
Ryu thinks of Yukimura as awesome just as he thinks of his father as awesome. Yukimura also sees his nephew as like a son to him and treats him as so. Since part of Yukimuras quirk is similar to Ryus they always race one another when given the chance and it always ends up as a tie.

Sayaka Yagi-
Sayaka likes her uncle and he likes her. Yukimura showed his loved for her when he missed her birthday, he brought her a teddy bear after returning from his traveling around the world since he missed out on the celebration.

Yukimura and Ragdoll have known ine another since the day that Yukimura graduated from UA. When they met Tomoko seemed to like him and vice versa. Eventually they began spending all of their time together until he had to leave and was gone for adound 10 years traveling all over the world. During that time period he would either call Tomoko and talk with her or send her abunch if gifts such as chocolates and teddy bears big and small along with some flowers and maybe even sometimes doughnuts and quite a few times some cat plushes. When he came back he asked her to marry her amd told her he loved her quirked or not. She accepted. The two love one another ti death.

Tsuyumi Amari-
Yukimra and Tsuyumi share a fatherly and daughter love for one another. Yukimura cherishes Tsuyuminamd from the way she looks he has a feeling she is gonna get a part of his quirk. She becomes joyful in his presence.

Tsukina Amari-
Tsukina is his middle child. Tsukina is usally hyper and quite jumpy. She is like a copy of her. Mother except not hyper on her mothers level. Because of positive additude Yukimura likes being around her and vice-versa.

Toyoko Amari-
Yukimura likes and loves Toyoko as much he loves the other two however he thinks she can talk a little bir.more or try to. She is kuch to quiet and silent. She is quite docile also so he thinks she should have a bit more spunk.


Yukimira is a master spearman

Yukimuras favorite fruit is oranges

Yukimuras favorite people are his family

Power-5/5 A
Intelligence-4/5 B
Speed-6/5 S
Tecqnique:4/5 B
Cooperativness: 4/5 B

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