1: I Miss You...

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I lay the bouquet of Chrysanthemums beside another bouquet made up of Lillies and an eroding stuffed Tiger. Placing a kiss on the tips of my numbing fingers, I glided them across the name 'Adelina Craven' engraved in the marble and stood from my kneeled position. I looked down at the aging grave, "Hey, Adie," my wave was weak. "Sorry I haven't visited in a while, I guess the last three weeks have been pretty hectic...I finally gave in and put up an ad for a new roommate. It was either that or I ask my Dad for a loan, and we all know how that would go...I've hated it. All week I've been interviewing options and it was horrible. Most just didn't feel right, and the rest is only an option because I'm desperate. Though, I guess I'll hate who I live with no matter what because they're not you..." I wiped a few stray tears from my cheeks.

"...I miss you so much. Losing you and Angel so close together kind of drove me and Scarlet apart. I guess the grief broke what remained of our group. We barely talk now, just the odd conversation when we pass in the graveyards we visit--wow...that is the most depressing thing I've ever said...But yeah, since I started my interviews for a new roomie, I finally had to clean out the rest of your stuff. Your Mom took most of it when you died, whether it's in storage or she sold it-- I don't know--but...all she left behind was all of the merch, DvDs and books you bought for that TV show--and yes, I know the name. It just feels natural referring to it as 'that TV show' to you, I guess. I packed most of it up, sealed it away in a couple of boxes and placed them on the top of my wardrobe--out of sight, out of mind, right?... But the DVD's are scattered around the living room TV. Whenever I'm doing chores, cooking dinner--just moving around, I put an episode on for background noise, pretending you're watching with all of your opinions from the safety of our couch. It's stupid, isn't it(?) It took for you to die for me to know that show back to front, after all the years you tried to make me connect with it and this is what did..." I chuckled through my pain, imagining her laughing at my comment.

"...Listen, I better go. Still got a lot to do before I choose my new roommate. I'll see you soon, Adie..."


I hummed while tidying up, wasting time until my pizza arrived-- "Jeremy Gilbert. Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate," the TV distracted me from my cleaning as I looked up to see Nathanial Buzolik, who fans know as Kol Mikaelson, walk onto the screen. "Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?" I couldn't help but mouth along with the words when he spoke, my mimicking interrupted by a familiar pattern of knocks against my front door.

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