Chapter Three

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                Owl hissed, "I'm Owl you old lump of fur!" 

        Silverstar nodded, "I may be old, but I won't forget my dream." He mewed back calmly, and licked his paw. The other Cats around him stood side by side, waiting to attack. Owl sat down at the calmness of his words. "You two, leave, Nightcloud and Bluecloud, stay by me." The leader ordered. 

        "Silverstar, why have you brought your Warriors to me?" Owl said, his shoulder fur prickling. 

        "You are StoneClan's only hope, OwlWhisper." His old eyes pleaded for him to come with him to his camp, "Please come with us. Only a Cat with a pure, brave heart can save the forest." Owl looked at him oddly, 

        "Perhaps.." Owl mewed. 

       "Just think think about it, and come to me when you have made up your mind." The leader's silver pelt glistened in the morning Sunlight as he nodded and walked back to his camp with his Warriors.

                Owl walked to the edge of a large puddle, and looked into it. "StarClan, shall I join this clan? Should I 'save' them?" He said, and the puddle gleamed as the Sun's rays reflected on it. He was indeed a loner, but he still walked with StarClan. Or he felt like he did. Owl nodded, "Very well then. I will go into their camp tomorrow at Sunrise, to deliver my own news." He padded through the puddle and rolled in the mud-grass mixture to cover his scent. 

                He set out into an open meadow, the grass was a dark green, and was very short. The air was crisp, and any prey animal could smell the slightest scent of prey due to how fresh the air here was. Thuds were felt under Owl's paws, and the thuds were heavy. "Rabbit." He mewed quietly to himself, and crouched on then ground. He padded toward the sound lightly, and he saw grey-brown ears poking out above the grass. He leaped onto the Rabbit and killed it was a rake of his claws down it's throat. He buried the animal. This was for the Silverstar, so when he gets there, he wont look like he's raiding the camp. The sun fell behind the mountains not too far form where he was standing. He padded off to a large bush where the leaves were thick. An opening in the leaves shown from where he had last entered. He leaped in the hole and kneaded the ground. He lay on the ground and fell asleep.

                He had slept longer than he had intended. It was nearly the end of sunrise when he had risen. "Mouse-dung!" He hissed to himself and ran to the spot he had buried his Rabbit. As he arrived at where he had buried the Rabbit, dirt was scattered and the Rabbit was gone. The scent that was left wasn't stale but it was very nicely covered enough to where it was unrecognizable. He hissed and ripped a weed out of the ground. "Now I'll have to hunt again!" He wanted to hunt, but he wouldrun out of time since he woke up later than expected. He walked past his bush shelter and past the puddle he looked in to the day before. He was finally there. He stood upon the StoneClan border, the border where CloudClan had reached. The StoneClan cats had a nice smell, they smelled of the crisp air in the meadow and the stream near them. He followed their scent trail from the day before into a  threshold of rocks. Then, the ground suddenly flattened. Their camp was on the low edge of the bottom of the Mountain. It was near the bottom so the Pine trees gave the camp some cover. 

               As he walked into the camp, cats looked at him and quiet growls filled the camp. He nodded at each of them, but rarely held eye-contact so he didn't seem like he was putting up a challenge. He looked aimlessly around the camp, looking at each little den, trying to pick out which one was Silverstar's den. Each den was large and well put-together, making  it hard for him tell. Luckily, Silverstar stepped out of a large, hollowed rock, the opening being a large crack. "Welcome, Owl. Follow me." Every cat had a look of curiosity and confusion in their eyes. A large, dark grey cat glared at Owl with hard, yellow eyes. He stood at Silverstar's den's entrance, flexing his claws as a threat. Owl thought of how it'd be fighting him. He was slightly smaller, but he would be a challenge. He's determined, at least he seems like it. Owl kept his tail down, the tip twitching. 

        Silverstar sat down in the far end of his large, roomy den. He wrapped his sleek, striped silver tail around his large paws and cleared his throat. His whiskers twitched, taking in Owl's smell. "Have you come up with a decision?" His wise, deep voice rung in Owl's ear. He nodded slowly, looking at Silverstar with unsure eyes. 

        "I have." He sat with his chest out. "I want to join StoneClan. I feel like I can help. And, living a lone has helped me stay strong." 

        "Very well then, Owl. Welcome to StoneClan. You shall have your warrior name right away." Silverstar padded out of his den, flickering his tail, signalling for Owl to follow. They disappeared behind his den where a path led to the rock that lay a top of it. As they made it to the edge, cats stared, most with hostility. "Cats old enough to hunt must report to the High Stone immediately!" Silverstar rowled, ringing through the camp. Soon, cats of many colors painted the ground below the rock.  Silverstar walked boldly to the edge of the rock, "Cats of StoneClan, we are welcoming a new warrior to the clan." The cats looked at eachother, some whispering things.

        "I, Silverstar, leader of StoneClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. Owl has taken time to make a decision to help our clan and he will go by the warrior code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Silverstar cleared his throat, looking at Owl with hope in his eyes. "Owl, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? "

        "I do." Owl nodded, he held his shoulders back, accepting that being a warrior is a great responsibility.

        "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Owl, from this moment you will be known as Owlwhisper. StarClan honors your new wisdom and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of StoneClan." Silverstar nodded at him, both turning to the crowd of cats which were whispering things that filled the clearing. "Cats of StoneClan, you will honor Owlwhisper as a cat of this clan from now on."



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