Chapter 6

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"That should do it." Zara said dusting her hands off. I nod quickly, looking away from the flames.

"Oh come on, you should be used to this by now." She said.

"Why?" I asked turning to her.

"I don't know, your powers. You should be used to seeing people burn alive. Or I guess you're too innocent." She smirked.

"Heh...yeah I guess." I looked back down. Little does she know... my subconscious adds in.

I feel someone hug me from behind, I don't care who it is, I grab onto their arms and squeeze tightly.

"We should get back to our dorms..." Zara says. Whoever was hugging me stopped and we all walked back to the dorms. Before I knew it I was in my pajamas underneath the comforter of my bed. I fell asleep hugging one of my pillows, thinking of that poor kid.

My alarm clock woke me up early in the morning. I walked to the bathroom still half asleep and turned the shower on. As I let the hot water run down my head, I thought of everything that had happened in the past 24 hours of being in this place. There was a knock at the door.

"Harper can you save some hot water for the rest of us!" Zara's usual annoyed tone said through the thin wood door. I groaned and shut off the water. I grabbed a towel and exited the bathroom, not making eye contact with any of my roommates. I had combat first today, then a free period, then spells, lunch, my second combat and then potions class.

Alec smiled as I met his eyes in the main room of our dorms. For some odd reason I didn't feel as bad as I should about that kid. I mean of course I feel bad but I don't feel as sad as I should. I guess it's because I didn't know him.

"You okay." He asks grabbing my shoulders.

"Yeah I'm fine." I really am.

"That's good, but, I'm pretty sure you already realized that we aren't gonna tell anyone about that...I mean that kid didn't even go here I guess he worked in the dragon stables or something..."

"Oh." Is all I can think of to say.

"We should get to combat..." he says pulling me along down the hallway. I wanted to thank him for comforting me last night but I don't want it to be awkward if it wasn't him. Ayden and Zack are already there when we enter the glass door.

"We should stand with the fire's..." he says when I begin to walk over to them. I give him a small nod and a confused look when I see Zack and Ayden look at me, turn to each other nervously, and then quickly turn their attention to the ground. Alec gives me his signature I'll explain later look and I nod again.

"Welcome back everyone, I hope you've all reflected on the strange events of yesterday."
I squeeze Alec's hand which I didn't realize I grabbed, when I rethink the events of yesterday, was she talking about my fire ball, or did they find the kid?! He squeezed mine back.

"Let's try and control our powers today shall we?" She starred at me and so did everyone else.

As everyone started to bring flames to their hands I stood with my hands at my side, not wanting to hurt anyone today. She walked around, making sure everyone was doing the correct positions and techniques. She walked over to me and whispered into my ear.

"You're bigger than your body, and stronger than your demons." She said almost robotic-like. I nodded, I can't believe I actually understood what she meant. I lifted my palms upward and my vision glitched, a weight fell onto my chest and I moved it to my mind, forcing my powers to attempt to take over my body. A red filter filled my sight and the ball of energy in my hands grew larger and larger. I was in control. Some kids screamed and ran, the mass of energy grew larger than I had expected but I was way too overcome with this new darkness and I loved it. My vision flashed and switched to black and white.

"Harper stop! You're scarring me!" Alec's muffled voice said as he shook my arms.

"You should be scared." I said without thinking. Why can't I stop!?

"Miss Wisp that is enough!" All of a sudden there was the lift of weight from my mind, but my vision stayed the same. The heat stopped in my hands. No! I want it back! Give it back! I narrowed my eyes at Principal Richards who told me to stop.

"Miss Wisp..." he stepped back a bit.

"You don't decide when I use my gifts!" I shouted and threw a fireball at him.

"Harper stop!" Alec said. I shook my head no and threw another, hitting him on the arm. I eyed a bow and arrow, how did I not notice it before?! I ran to grab it and aimed it at the rest of them, Alec behind me. My eyes settled at the small diamond blade at the tip and it ignited in flames. I shot the arrow into the sky and caught it before putting it back into shooting position. Their eyes were wide starring at what I had just done. One set of eyes caught my attention and anger forced me to do something I will never forget. I aimed my arrow at Blade. His smirk changed to a petrified glare.

"Well look who decided to show." I said slowly and loud enough so he heard me. I looked down at my chest, my tank top was lower than usual. I pulled it down a bit more.

"Is this what you wanted yesterday?!" I asked my eyes began to sting. He began to walk back to the door when I shot the arrow into his hand and pushed him into a wall. Since when do I have telekinetic powers?? I ignored my thoughts for now and rose one hand so the palm was facing him, then both. I pushed him into the cement wall even more, cracking its surface. Alec stepped in front of me.

"Alec move, I don't want to hurt you." I said lowering one of my hands.

"You have to stop." He said.

"I can't." I said my vision getting blurry with tears. He ran to me and placed both hands on my face, cupping my cheeks as his lips met mine. I stepped back in shock. My sight went back to normal and my arms wrapped around his neck pulling him back to me. I ran my hand through his hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist as our lips met again.

"It wasn't my fault." I whispered once we both released each other.

I looked back over to the rest of the class, they were all looking at me, with mixed emotions. Some were angry, scared, or shocked. Zack and Ayden were one of the few that looked angry. So did Blade. What the actual fuck just happened!

Hey guys, it's been a while! I hoped you liked this chapter. I'll try and post more often but I've had a lot going on. New question, who do you ship Harper with, should I keep her with Alec or add some drama because a lot of shit went down this chapter. I'll keep you posted on my new ideas! ❤️

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