Yu-gi-oh ghost (Bakura love story) chapter 13: twist of fate

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~Y. Sophia (*your*) POV~

I toke over my host’s body so I could get her away from Yami. I was walking down the street when Seto walk out in front of me

Y. You: “move mortal!”

Seto: “oh looks like Sophia grow a back bone!”

I slam him into a brick wall “shut your mouth boy” I growl

“Get off” he shouts

He pushes me in front of a move car I jump to get out of the way 2 sec to late. I feel the car hit my side and then blacked out.

~Alister’s POV~

I was walking down the street looking for Seto. I see him push a girl out into the streets, and she got hit by a car. I see Seto quickly flee.

“I hope she alright” I say running ova to her. I kneel down by her, I see she is still breathing and isn’t bleeding.

Valon: “how is she mate?”

You: “she going to be ok”

I pick her up gently

Valon: “so are we taking her to see master Dartz or what?”

You: “what do you think?”

Valon: “I don’t think”

>>FF to where ever there hq is>>

I set the mysterious girl on the couch

Valon: “we don’t know much about her mater Dartz. Alister just decided to bring her here.”

You: “wow Valon vary helpful” -_-

~Sophia (*your*) POV~

I start waking up, “what happened?” I say rubbing my head “and why does my head hurt?”

Cute red head: “you got hit by a car”

Dude with blue hair: “what your name, sweetie”

“I.. I don’t know” I say looking my feet trying not to cry. I feel someone’s arms wrap around me, and then I start crying.

~Alister’s POV~

Valon: “you don’t let my hold her like that”

You: “that’s because she was in unconscious and you’re a nut” I say pulling her on my lap trying to calm her down, she cried herself to sleep

Dartz: “why was she unconscious?”

“she got hit by a car” I say pulling her close ‘dam that Kaiba’


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