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Nahmir auntie want to meet up she didn't say when but right now I'm hang out with my best bich if you said Danielle then your correct

Yn POV Nahmir auntie want to meet up she didn't say when but right now I'm hang out with my best bich if you said Danielle then your correct

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Ynbeauty: best bich
Ybnnahmir: she get a post but I don't ok 😐
Ynbeauty: yours on the way babe

Danielle: how are you and Nick
Yn: good ig why
Danielle: just asking bich damn
Yn: sorry but ya living so far apart is I don't know just not enough
Danielle: I feel you but y'all so cute
Yn: thanks
Danielle: you just so damn innocent
Yn: girl
Danielle: cuss every once in awhile twerk bich
Yn: I'm it that innocent Danielle
Danielle: sure but let's go get our nails done I got rehearsal after this
Yn: ok
We went and got our nails done they was cute hers was long but cute
Yn: I'll see you later Dani
Danielle: text me bich
Yn: ok
I went back home with nothing to do so I texted Nahmir auntie and see if she wanna meet up now
She texted me back in 4 minutes tops and said we could go out to eat she pregnant and hungry
Cocoe: nice to meet you I heard so much about you
Yn: nice to meet you too and good things I hope
Cocoe: yeah. Since I live out here we could hang a lot
Yn: that's fine with me so you know what you having
Cocoe: yes I'm having a boy
( I think I remember her saying that)
Yn: aww he gonna be so cute and spoiled
Cocoe: I know
After we ate and both went home
And Nahmir called me
Nahmir: how was lunch with auntie cocoe
Yn: pretty good
Nahmir: that's good what you doing
Yn: I was about to go to my brothers house and see what he doing but now I'm tired so I might just shower and go to bed
Nahmir: oh you go to bed early early
Yn: I be tired
Nahmir: mhm well ima see you next week but FaceTime me tomorrow
Yn: I got you dawg
Nahmir: don't call me that
Yn: sorry bye babe
Nahmir: bye baby girl
This boy man

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