Fifth teen

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                                      •Fifth teen•

Camila walks down to stairs after she been awake for a while. She sees the daily note of her mom on the table that she has gone out. Camila sighs. She takes her phone out of her pocket and looks on instagram. When she sees her account is full of likes and comments she feels confused but then she sees that Jesse posted their picture.

She likes the picture and just comments "❤️". Camila wonders how they even found her while he didn't even tag her but then again they are smart , plus Marcus and Jesse obviously follow her. She feels blessed to have them but also hate the fact of having to share them with the world and not getting to see them alot. She missed them even tho she saw Jesse yesterday.

Camila feels alone even when people are around her. She always puts on this fake happiness while all she feel is emptiness. All that she can think of is that she wish she was skinny and pretty. She looks at the mirror and she hates everything she sees. Camila sighs and just sits on the sofa.

It became to easy for Camila not to eat because nobody is ever home. Her mom don't even really pay attention to Camila anymore anyways. The only ones that care is Jesse and Marcus and they cant be around 24/7.

Camila sighs. She stands up and grabs her shoes to go for a run. Camila feels weak and dizzy while running but she ignores the feeling and just keep going. She goes into the park and sits on a bench for a minute. She stares in front of her. She sees this happy family all together. She wonders why she cant have that.

Her mother is always away and never bothers, Her dad left her behind. She misses him a lot but the thought of him not caring is what makes it ten times harder for Camila. She feels the tears sting in her eyes. She gets up quickly and starts her run back home.

When she gets back home she unlocks her door and sees her mom is back. "Hey" Her mom says and smiles at her. "Hey" Camila says back. "Marcus tried calling you about training tonight" Her mom says back. Camila looks at her phone and sees the amount of texts both of them sent because they are worried because she didn't answer since yesterday.

"Im not going" Camila says. "Why not?" Her mom says back. "Im not feeling well" Camila says. Without giving her mom a chance to say anything she walks upstairs and goes into her room. She puts her phone on her table , without answering the texts she grabs some clothes and gets into the bathroom to take a shower.

She turns the shower on and gets in. Lately this is the only way to keep herself warm. After standing in the shower for a while she grabs her towel and wraps it around her. She brushes her teeth and dry her hair. After she done all that stuff she gets dressed.

Camila walks back to her room. She sees her phone light up and sees Jesse calls her. She just stares at it till it disappears and then gets in bed. She crawls up in her blanket, even tho she misses Marcus and Jesse she just doesn't feel like talking to anyone today.

She turns on the tv and puts on Friends. It takes her mind of everything for a moment. She still wish she could be pretty and skinny. She just wants to be good enough and no matter how much people tell her that she is , she is never good enough for herself.

She feels her eyes getting heavy and after a half a hour of watching Friends she falls asleep. No pain. No stress. No comparing. Now its just her and her dreams...

Hey ! New chapter today , im sorry it isnt too long but new chapter will be up soon❤️ Thank you for reading ! Love only

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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