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The day was normal. Warm yet people were still wearing jackets, after all this sweet autumn would leave soon and cold winter would step in, once green leaves were now: brown, yellow, red, orange. Some of them were saying goodbye to place where they were once and were falling on the ground or being kidnapped by the wind and thrown up in the sky as if trying to reach the sun, asking it to stay longer and bring summer but without any success. People were heading towards their workplaces, some of them were in hurry like the girl who we have to focus on, the female didn't look any different from high-school students, just she was not wearing uniform. Her school didn't have it and everyone was allowed to wear what they wanted as long as it was appropriate. Her brown boots were above ankles and was matching her brown belt which was wrapped around dark blue tight jeans, her shirt was plain, kinda oversized but it would be easy to say that once she was fat enough to fill it, her emerald green eyes were focused on a road as she was walking towards school with her hat completely covering her raven hair, after a month, she finally managed to recover from that thing, although she was not sure if everything would be okay, but at the same time she was dying inside four walls. Everyone were at lessons, so yeah, she was pretty much late so she awkwardly knocked on the door, opening it and spotting someone random, instead of her Red haired tall teacher, someone New stood there, he had purplish raven hair and Green eyes, his expression looked like a real monkey because of his big lower lip probably, everyone's attention was on her right now and she felt like a bug. teacher was writing something on that Green board "you are late" he said without looking back at her "when is your Birthday?" he asked again but right now looking at her, she looked around only to spot her friends "I asked you a question" he asked with his deep voice, without even flinching "in... in two months' ' she started to speak up, but it was more like a speaker which you would use on the Phone when you are busy and don't want to answer. "That's good, I will buy you a watch" he said and smiled, pointing at empty desk and asking her to sit down, Kaoru looked down only to groan, it was Really awkward. for sure she was not going to be late again at his lesson

One more boring day, better than others, for sure everything has changed a lot, or not, because the person who called herself a princess was still sleeping during lessons, her attention turned towards Miyako and momoko only to find them staring at her so she waved at girls, they just pouted and looked away. Seemed like talking to them would be easy, after all she had bar of chocolate with them and they didn't completely ignore her. How long has it been since she saw them? seven months or so, leaving school 3 months before the year ended, plus 3 months of a break between school years and now a month later after school started she finally arrived, although she had to take exams to be allowed to sit in the same class as before, yet her whole family was against it and they kept reminding her why she had to stay in home, because she was not like old herself, she had grown quite weak, so thin that she even gave up on eating solid food, because she had no power to even chew at some point, maybe if she just told them the reason, they would surround her but it would be pity, some of them would pity her and she didn't want to use it as an excuse, she had to get over it all alone, without asking for help, without asking for attention, she had to step out of the sun because it kept burning her, but she was more mature now, instead of song lyrics she would focus on meaning of them and she finally started to listen to others instead of acting stubborn, her taste changed as well, she could listen to dear Evan Hansen whole day, especially "waving through the window"

We start with stars in our eyes

We start believing that we belong 

But every sun doesn't rise

And no one tells you where you went wrong

She could not help but hum it for herself, indeed she was not a great singer but she didn't have to be in order to feel a bit of relief, it didn't last long because soon the door opened and he stepped inside along with his brothers, the male who had always wanted to take her place and she never let him, his forest green eyes quickly landed on her fragile body as she glared back at him, sticking her tongue out like a baby and crossing her hands as if still mocking him, like before but he didn't pay attention to him, "are you going to buy watch for them as well?" she asked at teacher who smiled proudly at his adopted boys "well unlike you they had a good reason and they even made our school popular and didn't give up on it" he said as he gazed at boys with unknown warmth in his eyes "so how did It turn out?" he asked about a game and a person known as brick answered with his low voice while pulling his cap behind, seemed like they won another medal as well as a cup for school. But at the end it was a lesson so they had to sit down, butch ended up sitting behind her, pocking her back with pencil "loser" he whispered as she rolled her eyes, holding onto her beanie. "still better than you" she spatted and inhaled, feeling somehow tired yet he kept poking her , not letting her rest

Luckily her old chemistry teacher and headmaster called, asking her to arrive at his office. Professor, it was what everyone called him, was a nice person but a bit clumsy and would easily get nervous, with her hands in her pockets she walked outside of classroom, leaving door open just to piss off teacher who had to close it, it was just the same as her heart skipped a beat from happiness, same calm atmosphere and same cold walls, chaotic classmates and annoying teachers, but right now she had different dreams, 11th grader was already thinking about being alive in future, she was not even that old but she had to think about it, she dragged her foot on the ground and without knocking she waked inside his room, which he always called office, "hey prof!" she said lifting her hand and waving and grinning only to find male walking towards her with rolled magazine "I- no!" she said placing her hands forwards to stop him from harming her, it was not an actual harassment it was just him being worried about her, the male who helped her and was like her father was aware of situation, after all he was her uncle, "what brings you here little miss?" he asked waving magazine as she chuckled " well I need to go out in order to keep moving forwards, it is depressing just to watch mom's sad face everyday"  "true, true but still be careful, especially to not get hurt, you are just as fragile as glass" the bell rung but she didn't care, chatting with him was refreshing, so many things had happened, especially to her soccer team, it was getting popular and popular, seemed like princess was still acting like a brat, as it comes to her friends, they were still upset at her for not contacting them "still don't want to explain?" he asked as she shook her head " nah, let me be , plus it won't be any good, they will just end up being worried."

The door opened and Butch stepped inside only to hand the cup out to director, to place it on shelf of school awards, it was much more than before, when she was still playing "good job" she decided to compliment him, at new captain but he just shrugged as if she didn't exist for him which was annoying so she poked him "come on, stop acting like a kid and greet your superior nicely" she was just few days older than him and she was used to bully him. "superior my ass, you are just a selfish idiot who gave up on her dreams" he said before slapping her hands away and heading out, well he didn't know so she just shrugged "don't be bitter about it, things often change" "well they should change for better not for worse" it was his answer before leaving, professor just sighed "talk to ya later prof! I have to meet girls, after all I am running out of time" she said heading out as well

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