There Has To be A Better Day

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Hi mina again I am updating today and on the computer!! ^^ thanks to ma best friend who took my phone and didnt give it back sence yesterday -.- but oh well!! ^^ lets get to it ^^


      ¥ There Has To Be A Better Day ¥



She just saved me and got me away from that stalker...."she tried to kill me....because I tried to save Yuri....."  I have to protect Yuri no matter the cost because I love her and dont want her to get hurt.....I will have to kill Kristal its my only option......



I was flying the next day with my brother...."ne nii can we go shopping I need to get new clothes..." I asked him "yea.....we can go where eved you want...." he replied with a fake smile....."I wonder what he's thinking about....." but we headed to the store...



"ne nii can we go shopping I need to get new clothes..." she asked me "yea.....we can go where eved you want...." I told her and tried to give hed a smile...."why did I have to fall in love with my sister?....and why cant I just be happy when she see's him..."

                        =At The Store=

"how can she ever be happy if he makes her misserable...but then again...its the girl....its Kristal who made them do it......I will kill her but for now....ill spend the time with my little sister..." I had zoned out untill I heard my sister say "onii-chan! Hello You There?!" and she was weaving her hand in my face "huh?! oh yea"I said completly amazed "so ill take it as a 'you look really nice little sis so you should take it' ne?" she asked and tilted her head giving me a sweet smile I snaped out of it and smiled back "yea you should take it" and she did then we when to another store to go buy more clothes but they where all black and blue and they didnt look bad on her not at all but people would think she was in some kind of gang....the only thing she didnt take blue was the fist outfit she showed me... it was a pink blouse with ruffles by the buttons and a black ribon with it, a black jacket and skirt , some black socks and black military boots, she looked amazing in that and im proud to say she is my sister.



"big bro has not presenter me to his friends maybe ill ask him sence we are here" "ne big bro can we go meet you friends some time? ....I mean I wanna meet new people and have new friends you know?" .....silence......"its fine if you dont want to thoe...." *At the moment I was changing in a fitting room so I didnt see what he was doing and he didnt see me eather* after I finished putting on the shoes I found a black ribon hanging there and tied it along with my clothes... "that should do it" I said out loud looked in the tiny morror and walked out to show him "ne onii-chan how do I look?....... big brother ..... I look at him and notice he is deep in thought I go up to him and start weaving in his face and calling out to him "onii-chan! Hello You There?!" and he snaped out of it and said "huh?! oh yea" hehe I giggled but he didnt notice because he was staring me up and down "I guess I look good" "so ill take it as a 'you look really nice little sis so you should take it' ne?"  I asked and gave him a side way smile "yea you should take it" he replied and we left to another store to go buy more clothes not many thing combined with my blue hair except for blue and black shirts and blouses so I took a lot of clothes with those 2 colors then on our way back home ...." ne Jack....can I ask you something?" I said and he just nodded his head "yea whats up?"....I hesitaded for a second and finally said "can I meet some of your friends? like we dont have to but I would like to meet them and make frienxs with them you know but only if its comepletly fine with you if not then its fine and we dont....!" I was talking out of control because I was nervous and then he.....he..... 0///////0



"She is nervous because she is talking to much and I need to find a way to shut her up with out being mean.....what can I do?! oh I know!" I looked at her and kinda smiled...."I've been waiting so long to do this" before I even did it I felt my self get hot......


Ne!! GOMEN MINA my friend took my phone and I got it back today but and I was not able to finish on the computer because it broke down again -.- ugh! but um well here is the update hope you like and well ill try to update again tomorrow morning or latter on tonight kay? ^^ dont forget to vote,comment and share with your friends if you'd like too ^^ arigato mina and I love you all :) ja ne! ^×^ /

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