Coffee shop fantisy

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So you know when you're in a foreign place, New York in Stiles' case, and you're walking around? Well sometimes your mind wanders; the random fantasies you really wish would happen.

Kind of like you bump into a handsome stranger in the street, they make you drop your papers or something, and you don't look into each other's eyes until you accidentally brush hands as you both have bent down to pick the stuff up.

Or you're in a coffee shop, you didn't know where you are and it's poring down with rain. You open the door a bell ringing, signifying that you have entered. You shiver at the sudden change of temperature and look up to the coffee bar to see a beautiful stranger standing there ready for your order.

Well this is exactly what is happening to Stiles. Waters drips from the tips of his nose, eye lashes and spikes of hair creating a small puddle underneath him. His eyes are wide like a deer caught in headlights and his mouths is stuck in an 'o' shape.

How the hell dose a coffee boy become a coffee Greek god? He had dark, short, brown hair and a short spikes beard. Almost like stubble but too long to be stubble. Stiles just thinks of all the places he could get beard burn from this man.

He was so toned, The beacon hills boy can see his muscles underneath the thin black v-neck tee he was watering. Also, chest hair! Holy shit this dude was for real. Stiles might just be in love already.

Him and the reality defilingly hot man stare at each other, like time has stopped in favour for looking at this almost comically cliche scene. That is until the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts the staring contest.

The coffee shop man stares down as Stiles scratches the back of his neck and looks up. A woman, around Stiles' age, steps out from the back room. Her hair was wildly blonde and her lipstick was so red it was almost like a beacon.

She somehow took massive strides whilst warring the most deadly looking stilettos Stiles had ever seen. She steps up to the ungodly perfect man and whispers something in his ear. He laughs and nods to her before walking to the cash register.

"Hello there," Oh god he has such a sexy voice, it's going to be hard to not get off on that voice tonight, Stiles walks up to the register. He must regain sanity. You can do this, smirk and flirt to the beautiful man Stilinski!

"And good afternoon to you." Stiles says as he try's to remember how to walk straight. As soon as her gets to the desk his had place firmly on it so he know knows he won't fall. The man bites his bottom lip.

"And what can I get for you on this rainy Wednesday. It's uncommon to see people of your age to be out and about at this time?" He says, raising one of his massive eyebrows. They do suit him though.

"Oh you know, I'm just cruising on my own, been travelling for a couple months." Stiles admits.

The survey makes a light 'hmm' sound along with a nod of his head. "You meeting anyone?" He says.

"No," Stiles almost lets his strong look wobble as he remembers why he's out here to being with. "I've got nothing waiting for me, nothing to stay for. Just a young lad on the road in his best friend." He finishes.

The man leans across the counter and Stiles does the same, almost meeting him half way. "What if I gave you a reason to stay?" He says in almost a whisper. This time Stiles raises and eyebrow.

"And how are you thinking of doing that." He says big a similar whisper. He can tell that the both of them are getting a bit itchy with tension, thank god its two thirty on a Wednesday and nobody else was here.

"I finish my shit in ten minutes. You order a coffee, sit over there and then I'll take you to my place. I've always been a lover or dessert before dinner." He finishes with a wink. Stiles bites his lip and they both stand back up.

"Well in that case, I'll have a black coffee and a chocolate chip muffin." Stiles pulls out his wallet and hands this twenty bucks.

"That'll be right with you." Says Hot-Coffee Shop-Guy says. Stiles goes over to a corner table and waits two minutes before the hot man walks up with his order. He sets it down with a napkin with his number on it. "The names Derek." He says bending down and nipping at Stiles earlobe.

Stiles rakes his hand into Derek's hair and pulls him so they're facing each other. "Stiles. You'll want to know that for later." He says before pushing their lips together for a long passionate kiss. Derek gets more comfortable and he ends up picking Stiles up and making him sit on the table.

Derek places himself in between his legs and the kisses get harder. Lips are bitten, teeth are clashing and hands roam everywhere. After ten minutes of this they are finally caught by the hot, scary, blond once again clearing her throat.

"Derek, sweetheart, your shift is up. Go home and fuck him before you do on one of my tables." She finishes with a wink. Derek rolls his eyes.

"I live five minutes away."

"And I have a raging boner, lets go."

"So yeah, you know when you're in a foreign place and you waking into a coffee shop. You mind wanders and you start fantasising about beautiful strangers. Well this actually happened to Stiles, two years ago. And he stumbled upon my good friend Derek.

So can everyone please raise a glass to the newly married couple. To Stiles and Derek!"

"To Stiles And Derek!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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