Simon's Daughter.? *Niall Horan Fan Fiction*

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This is my first fan fic so I don't expect it to be wonderful. There will be cussing and stuff, so... Yeah. Thanks for reading!:)


CHAPTER 1: Really?!

*Bailey's POV*

"Sophie, I'm running to the store!!" I yelled up the stairs. "Don't forget your dad is coming at noon!" She hollered back. "How could I forget?" A grin started to spread across my face. I haven't seen my dad, Simon Cowell, since I was 12, I'm 18 now. It's not like he abandoned me, nothing like that actually. But his job kept him travelling and he couldn't see me, so when I was 12 he arranged for me to live with my closest aunt. What about my mum? Well she died when I wasn't even one. I don't really get sad when I think about it, to be honest I never knew her. I do get sad when I think about how depressed it made my dad is years after. Anyways, when I turned 16 I bought a flat with my best friend of forever, Sophie, and we'd been living here for the past two years, very well off. My dad bought me an iPhone and kept updating it whenever a new one came out. He did the same for Sophie so he could almost always contact me. He payed for our bills which I begged him not to because we had a jobs and enough money to do it ourselves.

As I walked out the door I checked the time on my phone; 10:30 AM. The store was only to blocks from our center London flat, so I walked. It was a bit nippy outside, the wind would cut through my sweatpants occasionally but my new hoodie kept my upper half warm. I reached the store and walked in, the heater was on full blast because I was instantly warm. I grabbed all my neccessities and put them in my basket, then I bought a bottle of nice wine since it was my dad's favorite. I went and checked out. "Thanks, Mrs. Richards." "Your welcome, love. Tell your dad hi for me!" She said and waved as I walked out. Wow, it seems like it got colder. Well, why not? I thought walking to the nearest Starbucks.

I walked up to order my drink. "Uhm.. Can I get a salted caramel mocha, please?" I said without looking up. "Yes, ma'am." I looked up. Damn.... He had sandy brown hair and hazel eyes. His hair was in a perfect swoosh, and his smile was perfect too. He had white teeth with pink lips framing them. "Hi, I'm Aiden." he said. "I'm, um, Bailey." I said. "Nice to meet you Bailey," he said, another smile appeared on his face. "My shift ends in 10 minutes, if you wanna talk after." he said confidentally. "That's be nice.." I said. He handed me my drink and I went go sit and wait. At 11:03 AM he walked over, without the apron. "Hey," he said. "Hi." I smiled. "So are you from London?" he siad. "Yeah, I live about 3 blocks from here. Almost center London." "Ah, that's cool," he said, "Hey, uh, you look really familiar. Kind of like Simon Cowell.." he said. "I uh, well uh, he's uh.. Let me introduce myself again. Hi, I'm Bailey Cowell. Daughter of Simon Cowell." "Woah. Nice to meet you." he said with a wink. After he got over the fact that I'm Simon Cowell's daughter we just talked and talked.Finally I looked at my phone; 12:20 AM, 4 missed calls and 17 texts. "Shit, shit, shit, shit..." I mumbled. "You alright, love?" Aiden asked. "I need to go, I was supposed to be back at my flat 20 minutes ago." I started to get up. "Let me at least drive you." he offered. "Alright thanks." I said with relief. We walked out to his small pick-up out front. He opened the door for me and I hopped in. I took out my phone and texted Sophie. "To-Sophie: Coming. :( :( :(" I immediatly got a text back "From-Sophie: Please hurry. Your dad isn't mad but worried." We pulled up outside our flat. "Thanks for the ride." I said greatfully. "Here can I have your number?" he asked. "Sure," I handed him my phone and he typed his number in. "Text me." he smiled. "Alright, thanks again." I grinned, rushing into my flat.I slipped off my trainers and my jumper in the front hall. I skidded into the front room.

"Dad!!" I hugged him. " Hi, sweetheart." he said. "I'm so so so so so so so so sorry, dad." "It's alright, you just scared me." Thump, thump, thud. "Uh, what was that noise coming from upstairs?" Dad looked a bit angry then reasured me it was nothing. "Sophie," I had just remembered she was in the room. "Hey," she said and smiled. "Alright, sweetie, you know I came here to ask you something." "Yeah." "Well, what I wanted to ask you is-" My phones text tone went off. "HI, we're One Direction!" my phone said. I turned beet red because One Direction were my dad's master creation. I looked at my phone it was Aiden. He asked if I was free Wednesday night. I quickly typed a yeah and put my phone away. I heard a round of laughing come from the stairwell. "Um dad can you please explain to me what's happening?" "Sweetheart, I know I haven't been here much but I want to make it up to you... The boys and I have decided that if you and Sophie want to you can........... go on tour with One Direction!!!!!!" A chorus of "Yeah!"s and "Do it!"s erupted in the hallway before ONE DIRECTION walked into MY front room. I stumbled back and sat down. "Oh. My. God." I mumbled. "Hi, I'm Louis." "I'm Liam" "Zayn" "I"m Harry." Harry said and winked. "Hello, love. I'm Niall." "I'm Bailey, but you can call me Bays. That's what my friends call me." "So what do you say, Bays?" dad asked me. "Please say yes." Niall said. Then turned bright red. "Ohhh! Wittle Nialler's got a cwushhhh!" Louis said in a baby voice. It was my turn to blush. "Yes, as long as it's okay with Sophie." "Sophie already agreed." dad said. "And boys, she's off limit." "Daddd...." I said blushing again. "Yes, sir." they said in unison, but Harry winked and Niall blushed. "I've arranged a ride on the London eye at 2 for you to get to know eachother." he said. "Thank you dad." "I'm so sorry my visit had to fall short but the plane leaves in an hour. I'll call and check in tonight." I hugged dad and kissed his cheek. "I love you, dad." "Love you too, Bays." I walked him out and waved his car off.

"So. I um, need to get ready. I'm not really dressed." I said. "Alright, love. We'll watch the telly while we wait." I walked upstairs then remembered. "Boys?" "Yes?" they yelled. "What hotel are you guys staying at?" "Hotel de la Bailey!" Harry yelled. "Oh, where is-" Wait. "Here?" "Yes, love" Niall yelled. "Oh, alright.." I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I quickly stripped and took a quick shower, the warm water felt good. I opened the door of the big glass shower and grabbed my towel. I wrapped one aroung my wet brown locks and one around my body. I stepped out of the shower to find a very shocked Niall zipping up his pants. I screamed because he scared me. He quickly shut his eyes. "I, um, I can um explain. I was um-" He was cut off by the rest of the boys stampeding in. Liam quickly tried to cover the other boys eyes while shutting his own but Harry wouldn't have it. He couldn't look away causing me to blush a deep red. "Please, erm, leave." I managed. "Come on, boys. Out." Liam directed. They marched out the door and Sophie came in. "Oh my god, Bays." she held in a laugh. "Shut up!" I said faking being angry. "Alrighttt." she said walking out.

I walked into my room and grabbed the clothes I had layed out. A minnie mouse sweater shirt, ripped jeans, a scark, and floral combat boots. (Link: ) I took out my phone and tweeted "bailey.cowell: Can't believe.. #excited :) xx" then I slid my phone in my back pocket. I was ready for the best day of my life.

I don't know if this is considered long or short but it was a buttload of writing. Thanks for reading, and please give feedback :)


Simon's Daughter.? *Niall Horan Fan Fiction* ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now