Chapter One

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Taako remembered. He remembered everything. He didn't truly have time to let all of his memories process because of The Hunger, but they won now. He could relax. But now as he sits in his Bureao of Balance dorm room on his bed for one of the last times, he is left with only his memories. A century of memories, all flooding back. He was light-headed, and he felt like he could puke. He felt like he had just gotten off of the world's fastest and scariest fantasy roller coaster.
He remembered some things that were amazing. His twin, Lup. The best day ever. The Mongoose family. Cooking dinners for the crew.
He remembered some things that were not so amazing. The judges. His sister dying so many times. His best friends dying.
Then, he remembered some things that he wasnt quite sure how to feel. Specifically, one kept coming back. Magnus Burnsides. Not the person himself, Magnus was a great person. No, but some other things that he and Magnus had done. They were close throughout the century. Very close. It took a while, but they fell for eachother. Hard. And now Taako remembered. And it was beautiful yet upsetting because he knew he would have to choose between Kravitz and Magnus. That is, if Magnus had any feelings for Taako.
As if on cue, there was a knock, and Taakos heart sunk. And the voice that came through the door when Taako hesitated was the voice that he both wanted to hear most of all but also dreaded hearing. Magnus knocked again. "Taako, you know we should talk." Taako sighed. Magnus was right. Magnus was always right. A third knock and Taako opened the door.
To Magnus, Taako was the most beautiful elf he had ever seen. All elves had a sort of aura around them, but Taako was different. He had that aura of self-confidence but there was something else there. Magnus couldnt quite put his finger on it, but it was there. When he had the chance to think and take a gander at all of these memories, he was in shock at his and Taakos relationship. He had, as long as he could remember, identified as a straight man. Needless to say, he was in a crisis. He had, of course, found Taako unbelievably attractive, to the point where he truly did love him. He had brushed it off. "This is what happens when you are in multiple life-threatening situations with a person." He would tell himself. "Hes just like family to me." But now with all of these memories flooding back all he could think about was Taako. And Magnus hesitated. He stood at the door to Taakos dorm, and he hesitated. Then he knocked. And after a few attempts, the most goregous man in his life swung open the door. His blonde braid was messy and he was blushing. Magnus probably was as well. Immediately Magnus could feel himself shutting down. "U-uh hey Taako." Taako chuckled at this "Okay hombre like you said we should probably talk. Come on in, I'll get some tea ready. Earl Grey?" Taako said, blushing madly. Magnus nodded and stepped in, taking a seat at the small table Taako had that Magnus had carved him. He didnt forget to note that Taako had offered him Earl Grey, a tea that he hadnt mentioned or drank since cycle 58. So Taako remembered, of course he did. A few minutes of awkwardly waiting passed and Taako came back with two mugs of Earl Grey and some honey and sugar. Handing the mug that Magnus had claimed that read "I believe that dogs should have voting privileges" sat in front of Magnus as he lazily stirred the tea. Taako sat across from him, almost drowning his tea in honey. Magnus knew why. Taako always got a sweet tooth when he was nervous or stressed. Magnus took a slow drink from his tea. The awkwardness was palpable. "So..." they both said at the same time. Magnus chuckles. "We were... uh..." "Yeah..." Taako says. "How did you feel about that?" Taako asks. Magnus sighed. "I honestly dont know. Up until today I thought I was straight. But I guess not." Taako sighs at that, and looks Magnus directly in the eye. "Magnus you can have had a relationship with a man and be straight. Barry and I had a bit of a thing before he got with Lup and he is the straightest man I've met." Magnus is blushing when he says "Yeah but I really do have feelings for you I think." Taako takes a deep breath before taking a long sip of his tea. "Yeah? I really have feelings for you too hombre." Taako says after some hesitation. They stay silent for a moment. "But you have Kravitz." Magnus mumbles. Taako sighs. "But I have Kravitz." There is another moment of silence. The two loved eachother, they truly did. It was just a matter of what to do next. As Magnus brings his mug up to his lips to finish off the tea, there is a knock. Taako sighs, stands up, brushes off his skirt, and gets the door. There stands Angus and Kravitz. Taako's face immediately breaks out into the largest grin possible as he picks up the ten year old. Taako would deny it, but Angus had become sort of a son to him. Kravitz goes in for a peck but Taako moves away. Meanwhile, Magnus looks on, moving himself to a nearby couch. Kravitz almost immediately took Magnus' spot, Angus taking one of the two other chairs and Taako taking the third. A fourth chair stood unoccupied. A few minutes of talking and Taako jumped up and mentioned something about how he forgot to prep pasta. Magnus, having seemingly gone unnoticed until now, followed Taako. Taako was involved in his folding of the pasta when he noticed Magnus was still there. Taako gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Magnus. I didnt know they were coming." Taako says, putting down a hand towel he was holding and walking over to Magnus and wrapping his long, slim arms around Magnus. Taako brings his face close to Magnus' so much so that their noses are almost touching. Magnus is blushing wildly but he goes along with it. Their eyes meet and they stay silent until Taako eventually leans in and their lips meet. Its fast, but to the two men it feels like forever. Taako seems calm enough about it, but Magnus is panicking already. "Oh my Isthmus I'm so sorry holy crap I'm so sor-" and hes cut off by Taako's lips again. Magnus was stunned. "B-but Kravitz?" He stutters, not letting go of Taako. The elf sighs. "Yeah, I'm gonna talk to him. I just gotta get him alone." As if on cue, Kravitz walks in and Magnus and Taako jump apart. Kravitz didnt seem to notice, and Magnus excuses himself to go and talk to Angus.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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