final chapter

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It is the day of Chanyeol and I's 4 year anniversary. We have two kids, our daughter Sammy is now 8 years old, and the newest addition to the family, Reece is now 2. Exo has been disbanded  for a little over a year now, but we still keep in contact with the fans and each other. Some members have solo careers going on and are very popular, but others are now married with kids like Chanyeol and I. Sammy runs into our bedroom and tugs at my sleeve. "Dad, daddy made Reece cry." I looked down at her and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. "Tell me what happened baby." She explained the situation while I held her in my lap. My blood was pumping and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks. I jogged down the steps with Sammy on my trail. "Park Chanyeol what the hell is your problem?" I yelled. He turned around with wide eyes. "Reece did something wrong so I punished him, what else was I supposed to do?" I snatched his arm off of Reece's hand and held him as he cried into my shoulder. "I have no problem with discipline, but hit my son that hard again you're gonna find out of it feels to be buried." I glared daggers into his skull. "Dont you mean our son? We adopted him together were a family." He raised his voice. I told Sammy to take Reece in her room. "You left a dark red handprint on him. It's already bruising that isnt discipline Park Chanyeol! Hes just a child he doesn't know any better, he doesn't need to be spanked for something that he doesnt know is wrong! You tell him it's wrong and if he does it again you spank him." Chanyeol looked down at his feet. "I didnt mean to hit him that hard, I'm sorry." I shook my head and walked away. "You need to apologize to our son, not me. And you're sleeping on the couch tonight for this." He smiled a little and nodded making his way up to Sammy's room. Later that night while tucking Sammy in bed I noticed Reece wasnt in the room. I looked in my room, then downstairs. I couldn't help but melt at the sight, Chanyeol held Reece in his arms, both asleep on the couch. "Chanyeol baby wake up, come to bed." He blinked and slowly sat up. "But I thought-" I cute him off. "I know, just come to bed." He put Reece to bed and then came into our room, getting over the covers and putting his arms around me from behind. "I'm so sorry." I sighed. "Its okay, just control yourself next time you big oaf." He chuckled in my ear and held me tighter. I couldnt imagine a life without Chanyeol and our kids.

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