Chapter 16

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When Miles woke up, he blinked a few times. He was lying in a big, clean bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets, in the middle of a large, mostly empty room. There was a night stand on the side, and a dresser further away. It was like the room was too big for its contents. Miles dealt with a powerful headache.

“Good morning,” Miles heard Sam’s voice.
Turning his head, he saw Sam sitting on a chair at his bedside. A warmth filled him, as he felt comforted by Sam’s presence.

“Good morning,” Miles’ voice cracked.

“How are you feeling?”

“I have a headache,” he replied, slowly moving his hand to his forehead. “And it feels like I can’t move.”

“You’ve been lying here for a couple of days,” Sam explained. “You’re safe, don’t worry.”

“Where are we?” After Miles asked his question, he noticed Sam was wearing a peculiar outfit, a clean shirt with a vest and a bowtie. He looked like a butler. “What are you wearing?” He asked, his new question somehow more pressing than the first.

“Don’t you like my new outfit?” Sam smiled, gesturing to his clothes like he was presenting them, and Miles laughed a little.

“You look nice,” Miles continued. “But why are you wearing that? Where are we? This isn’t my room.”

“Do you remember what happened?” Sam asked, careful not to overwhelm him.

Miles pondered for a moment. He remembered something happened, but he could not put his finger on it. “Something happened at school,” he finally said.

“Yeah… Ethan…” Sam started, not sure how to break Miles the news. “Ethan brought guns to school.”

“…Right,” Miles let out, as the memories flooded in. “He shot you.”

Sam nodded. “And you brought me back.”

“I’m so happy you’re okay,” Miles let out in an emotional whisper.

Sam leaned in to Miles and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. Miles melted into the hug, allowing himself to feel comfort in this unknown setting.

“The witches… They found you,” Sam explained, letting go of Miles. “We’re at their compound.”

Miles pondered Sam’s words for a moment. “Why are you here?” Miles asked, confused.

“I didn’t want to leave you.” Sam explained, suddenly a little bit embarrassed. This had been a big, life-changing decision he made a little hastily, and he was ashamed to admit that Miles meant so much to him.

“So, the witches took you, too?” Miles was in shock. “What does it mean? Can you go back?”

“Not for now,” Sam answered. “Felicity… she said I am bound to them.”

“Sam, what about your family? You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know. I wanted to.” Sam forced a smile. “You saved my life. I owe you.”

“I don’t want you to think like that. You don’t owe me anything…” Miles looked on to his friend with a pained look. He was uncomfortable that Sam had made such a great sacrifice for him. If anything, Miles felt it was him who owed Sam.

They exchanged difficult smiles. Whatever Miles’ wishes would have been, it was too late then. Mortimer jumped on the bed, and Miles was delighted to see him, bringing him in to a tight embrace. Sam petted the fluffy cat, too.

There was a knock at the door. Sam rose to get it and Felicity entered the room. “Miles is awake,” Sam told her.

“That’s wonderful,” she replied. With a solemn step, she walked up to Miles, still lying in bed, petting his cat. She smiled a warm smile, just for him. “Hello, Miles,” Felicity started. “I’m Felicity, the headmaster here.”

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