Chapter 10

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It's been one week later, and Caleb has been bothering me the whole week about my answer to him. I was still confused and didn't know.

I liked him a lot, but something is telling me something else. I didn't exactly know what that something else was, but it was something else.

I've been getting non-stop calls and texts from Caleb. I usually just ignored them. He even went to my house and I told Melissa to answer the door and tell him I was sick. Should I treat him like this? I mean he has only been nice to me this whole time.

Maybe if I talk to Melissa, she could help? No, she couldn't, she'd just tell me to do the right thing. And the problem is I don't know what the right thing is. Mom? No, she'd give me a whole lecture about making mistakes and unimportant stuff like that. Grandma. Yes, she was the only one who could give me advice, good advice actually. Whenever I had a problem, I'd come to her. I want her back here so she could give me ice cream when I cried. One single tear escaped my left eye.

I decided the best thing I could do was go to her grave and talk to her like that.

I walked out the door and headed to the cemetery where my Nana was buried. It was a few streets down and only took ten minutes to walk there. I got there in seven minutes because I was hurrying. I really wanted to speak with her.

I finally got to the cemetery and searched around for the one where my Nana was underground. I found it soon enough and sat down to the ground, right in front of Nana's gravestone.

"Nana, It's me, Selena. I came to visit you because everyone, including me, are missing you so much. We've made it a month without you, and let me tell you, it's been the hardest month of my life. I haven't told you this yet, but I am pregnant. You would have been the greatest great-grandma ever! The night you died, was the night I got pregnant. It was by accident. I got drunk and didn't realize a thing after. If I could take back that whole night just to have you back, I would. I'm a month pregnant, so I've got eight more months and I'll be done. This is one of the most hardest times of my life and I need your advice on something. You know Caleb, the guy fom across the street, well he likes me a lot and I like him, too but he asked me out and I don't know if I should say yes or no. I like him but something is saying no, I just can't put my finger on it, maybe it's the baby. I'm pregnant with another dude's baby and it wouldn't be right if I dated another dude while pregnant with a different dudes baby. If you could just please, somehow give me a sign on what to do?" Tears came out of my eyes so much, I couldn't help it, I was a wreck without my Nana.

I waited for five minutes and nothing happened so I said my goodbye and promised to visit Nana again soon. I walked home with many tears in my eyes. I got home and ran into my room, hoping no one would see me.

I went and opened my drawer to get my cell phone. I took it and looked at my missed calls and texts.

Demi- no calls, two texts. Ariana- four calls, six texts  Taylor- six calls, eight texts. Caleb- thirteen calls, twenty texts.

The Justin one shocked me the most. Was this the sign I asked for?

Just then my phone rang. I looked at who it was from.


I decided to answer this one because he has been trying to contact me so much so I think it's important.


"Good, I thought you were dead!" Justin breathed.

"Not yet. What do you want?"

"I can't say hi to a good friend?" He questioned.

"First, you haven't said hi yet and second, we're NOT good friends."

"Well I have to ask you something."

"Ask then."

"How is our baby?" He asked.

"He or she is fine."

"Oh yeah, can I be there for your next doctors appiontment?" Justin asked.

"Uh, why?"

"Because I want to be there for my baby, now can I?" Justin begged.

"You ask a lot of questions!"

"And are you going to find out the sex of the baby?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"It's up to you."

"Well I kind of, sort of want it to be a surprise... If that's alright with you?"

"Yes, we can wait."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Look to your left," he instructed.

And I did. I saw Justin, through his window, smiling at me. A smile started to form on my lips.

It All Started When.. I Got Pregnant By A Player (A Jelena Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now