Chapter 17

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((Sooooo, it's been like forever so I am just going to make this the last chapter. This was going to be the 2nd to last but I need to complete this story. If there are any of you still reading this, thank you! Sorry this story has been crappy, I have more coming that will be better! Anyway, here it is, the LAST CHAPTER!!

Her and her dress are above.))

After both twins were healthy and home Leah wanted to focus on them and being a Mom, as well as supporting Harry. He had been pushing for them to have a wedding now that she was no longer " a hippo", but she insisted that a big ceremony is pointless and she didn't care to have one. He knew better.

Harry knew she still wanted to walk down the isle in an over priced white dress. He knew her parents want the moment. Harry wanted a wedding too.


The twins are one month and Harry wanted to do something special. 

"Come on, Leah. Taking them to one football game won't hurt them. I promise. You deserve a day out with the girls." Harry rubs her shoulders from behind and kisses the top of her head.

"What if Thea doesn't care for soccer?" She says and looks down at the baby she is currently breast feeding. With four uncles that are into sports, its inevitable that Haden will grow up in love with a same sports. Leah always does this and Harry always says the same thing. 

"We can take them to a fashion show sometime too. Not like they can really voice their opinion now anyway." He always wins with this argument too.

"It's cold."

"I'll bundle them up so much people will think they are over sized burritos."

"Then they could suffocate."

"Then you bundle them up to your liking. I'll call the girls for you." Harry leaves her to it and goes to do what he said he would, but the conversation goes a bit different. When Harry comes back with his hair up in a bun and pulling his coat on, Leah is already strapping the twins into their car seats. Thea has her thicker onesie on with pink booties and a pink pea coat that is too big for her but Harry's mother insisted that she get it for them. There is a knitted baby beanie with a flower on her head, courtesy of Leah's sister in law in America. Haden is dressed similarly, but his onesie is dark blue and his coat, once again too big for their tiny bodies, is a hunter kind of green.

Harry scratches his head and just smiles while watching his wife run around packing bags for the twins day out. From day one he loved her so much, he didn't even know it was humanly possible to love something, let alone someone, this much. But here he is, head over heels  for this american girl he spotted in the crowd of 57,363 at the Staple Center on August 10, 2013. Nothing has really changed except they are now married, live in his place in London, and have two babies. Yeah, nothing really.

"Babe." He grabs her face and looks her in the eyes. 

Suddenly she too is flooded by all the love she has for the man in front of her. She remembers looking through those teenage girl magazines and seeing a group of five, wondering who the are. The first time she heard about them on the radio she fell in love and spent days upon days watching every video of them on Youtube, and when she had watched them all she re-watched them. Something about the curly hair one stood out to her. Her mom surprised her with tickets to their Up All Night tour in 2012, gave her Take Me Home tickets in 2013 which were front row tickets and from there she went to every show, eventually interviews, parties, red carpets, and next thing she knows that same curly haired boy put a ring on it. 

"I got the kids. Mady and Avery will be here soon. Get ready." Just then there is a knock on the door before Louis just barges in.

"Great." He claps his hands before taking Haden's carrier. "I got the lad, hurry up Harold. Bye Leah." And he is gone just as fast as he appeared. Leah still wonders how Mady does it.

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