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Grayson observed the crowd in the bus slightly fascinated. While unconsciously tapping his foot along the rhythm of the soft music which was humming in his ears, good old Sam smith, he tried imaging the stories behind peoples' faces. This way the longish ride to his afternoon class usually went by much quicker. His attentive gaze wandered from an elder women over to a kissing couple two seats away until it finally landed on someone who seemingly caught his attention. It was the tall boy sitting at the window in the very front. His bronzed skin was  highlighted by the first sun rays of the spring atmosphere and nose stuck in a book. Not only did he look wonderful, from what Grayson was able to see anyway, but there was just something about him, that made him special. It was almost impossible putting the words to it, but it might have been his calm, peaceful Aura in addition to his confident, upright posture, taking affect on Grayson's hormonal balance. However before the thoughts circled, the next sop "Medical campus" was announced by a dull sound from the speakers. Gray, as his friends called him, grabbed his bag, quickly, wiggled his jacket free, which was stuck between the two seats and then hopped off into the streets. He almost forgot about Mr. handsome when a raspy voice demanded his awareness. "Excuse me, would you mind helping me out real quick?" The green eyes staring at him belonged to the same guy he had been about to daydream of... not in an inappropriate way, of course! His kind, a tad insecure smile showed a nice set of teeth. Really nice teeth, to be honest. The size ratio between his front teeth and incisors was great and they were fairly bright too. Weirdly teeth were always the first thing Grayson noticed. Well, it probably was not even that weird, since he was a dental student. "Yeah sure, no problem. What is it?" He answered a little taken aback. From what he had noticed so far, Grayson would have done anything to help this charmer out. "Well, I am looking for the way to the building of the dental faculty, would you happen to know where it is?" Grayson smiled brightly as he realised the opportunity fate had given him. A whiff of excitement struck through his body as he spoke. "I am actually just on my way there, I am a 4th year student. How about I take you?" "Yeah, that would be great I guess, thank you....?" The stranger replied lifting his eyebrow at the end of the sentence making it appear more of a question after all. "Oh, it's Grayson." "Well, thanks Grayson, I really appreciate it. I am David by the way." 

Walking past numerous people aged somewhat around 20 to 30 the two boys got closer to the massive white building with all kinds of different laboratories and exam rooms in it. Even though the route was barely ten minutes long, Grayson felt like he got to know David quite the bit. He was still trying to figure out whether he was rooting for his team, though. Cute guys usually never were interested or homosexual. No matter what, so far he had determined that the curly head was a really nice guy and he would probably just give him his number anyway. "So what is a literature student doing at the dental wing anyway? Are you here for an appointment?" The both of them stepped through the front door into the wide white halls. "Oh, ha, no..I, I am not. I am actually just picking a friend up after her treatment. You know, wisdom teeth..." What a bummer, Gray would have loved to take care of that. At the mention of the so called 'friend' he couldn't help but contemplate the exact definition of that word. Therefore he didn't even notice the relieved yet sceptical expression on the other mans face. "So you're in for some loopy fun then, eh?" He smiled, before showing David the way to the waiting area. "Oh, I got the camera ready for sure." David laughed wholeheartedly which caused a tingly feeling in the dental students stomach. The laugh of a person truly is the gate to their personality. And judging by what's been witnessed so far it must have been a fairly miraculous one.  "Grayson, stop flirting, your scaring the patients away! Grace is already waiting for you, something about practising injections? You better move your lazy arse asap!" A raspy, male voice called out from the corridor echoing slightly due to the tall ceiling. Grayson rolled his eyes blushing a little, as did David in fact. Romeo, one of his closest friends was such a douche, yet that's what made him so hilarious. Well, just like that the little while in heaven was over. Even though he was usually excited for class, Grayson would much rather have skipped today. "Sorry, duty calls... and don't listen to him. He hasn't taken his meds today. Give your friend my best." David chuckled in the sexiest way ever. "Go poke each other in the mouth or whatever it is you freaks call class. I'll se you around." Grayson sighed a tad disappointed, followed by a nod. On his way to his assignment he turned around one last time. "Oh, and call me!" He went all in, displaying a cheeky wink. Maybe this time he would be lucky. "Aaaand who might that handsome fella be? Your new man toy?" As soon as he approached the tall boy, Gray was littered with sexual comments. Romeo and Grayson had met on the first day of university during a drinking game in which they were basically naked. What better way to get acquainted, right? From then on they had spent almost every assignment together since they also happened to be at the top of the class and trusted each other not to mess up their teeth terribly. Who could blame them? Of course that is only the academic side. Off duty they have experienced some fucked up shit and ridiculous moments. Consider it the perfect mix for a lovely friendship. Obviously none of the two would ever phrase it that way, what a cheesy, girly thing to say. "Oh shut it. You just need to get your own testosterone out of the system. Didn't  your Juliette fulfil your sensual needs today?" Romeo had to dodge to the left in order to avoid the playful punch Grayson was throwing at him. "Ugh. Emily is away on some business internship for the next couple of weeks. Your subtle reminder of my sexual deprivation is much appreciated. I hope Grace stabs you well." Romeo's brown eyes glared at him frustratedly. "I don't mind injection practise even half as much as you do, so I will be fine, thank you for the genuine concern." They laughed while entering one of the exam rooms to get started with the assignment.

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