first day

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"oi, y/n! Get up, get dressed, and get out!", You heard your brother yell.
"good morning to you too, my lovely brother" you make a kissy face at him and he looks disgusted. You just sit up and stare at him expectantly. he yells,
"THEN GET OUT OF MY ROOM, DUMBASS!" You give him the, your an idiot, look and he just stomps away. You just sigh dramatically and roll your eyes at his behavior.

You look at the uniform that the high school your starting today sent you. Insecurity strikes. You never really cared for skirts but it is what it is ;)"whatever, " you mumble. you finish putting on your uniform and walk to school because your lazy excuse for a brother refuses to drive you. You arrive outside of the school and you can't help but stand there for a second. "What and obnoxiously large building, " you said to yourself quietly. You shook your head a little, and head inside. You follow a small group to a class called 1-A. You can't hear much, but you see two people talking about something up near the door. A petite girl with brown hair and eyes, and a boy with green hair and eyes. They stop talking and the boy slowly turns around to see .. a banana..? No. A worm..? No... OH! Your teacher. The green-haired boy shrieks,
"AH ITS ALIVE!" after our sarcastic seeming teacher, perky girl, and the green-haired boy finally sit down and get settled, you take your seat. You just so happened to sit by some boy with an odd haircut. Red and white hair, and a large... scar? No, a burn, over his left eye.
"Hm. I'll call him.. peppermint. Yup, it's settled." You think to yourself. He notices you looking at him And he gives you a harsh glare. You turn back around in your seat facing the right way, smile to yourself and think, "Dayum  Is you from Antarctica? Cuz you so cold I think I've got frostbite just from that look" You chuckle quietly at his harsh demeanor. Oh hell yeah he totally got daddy issues. Later, Mr. Aizawa gave you all gym uniforms and you felt uncomfortable. You asked the teacher if you had to wear the uniform and he says,
"Yes, and I don't care if you don't like it cause your gonna have to get used to it so quit pestering me, and go change like the others!" "N-no, that's not it it's just- sigh nevermind. " you change and walk out with everyone else. luckily no one seemed to notice. Except for Mr. Aizawa. He glanced at you and his gaze seemed to soften but only for a moment. he spoke and told everyone what we'd be doing.

We did a few exercises, and then we had to throw a ball to see how far we could throw. It was your turn so you step up and activate your quirk, half cat.
You named it so it could confuse people to think it just meant you were half-cat half-human, but that's not it. While you did have the characteristics of a cat, you could also produce oddly strong flowers and vines and even trees. You didn't always use that part though. You would wait until you felt a fight was REALLY important so no one could analyze you in future fights, and plus, you felt a little spoiled. Not only can you see, hear, and move extremely well, you could also produce extremely strong vines and "foresty stuff" as you like to call it.
Your cat ears pop up along with a tail. Your har even grows longer (you really like how you can control that). You use as much strength as you can, and throw. Aizawa holds up the meter thing, and it shows 687 meters. You then walk back in lin, wishing you could've done a bit better. You continue to do the rest of the exercises pretty well. When it's time for a break, a few of the girls come up to you. A female, who is all pink and has.. Horns? says, "You threw the ball SUPER far! It was so cool!!" you looked at her as she spoke, "ah.. thank you, but that girl, " you pointed to the brown-haired girl. "She threw it to infinity didn't she?" the brown-haired girl smiled and blushed a bit. "oh yeah..haha it's because of my quirk, zero gravity. Whatever I touch can float." omg your so cute be my fren T^T. Before you knew it, you had a group of friends. You felt really happy, and it surprised you. They even invited you to sit with them for the rest of the week during lunch. You smiled and looked at them all eating their food, "I think... I think I am going to enjoy it here."

Haha, fingers go type :)

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