The Overview

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[A/N: Creating one or twoshots based on this world that I created. Forgive me if it seems like stereotypical fantasy, I'm trying my hardest not to make this the fanfiction I want it to be. XD Here's a brief overview of my creation. If I think of anything or create any more plot-revevant creatures I'll add it in. ~Shadow]

[PS: If I have any trigger warnings or stuff like that I'll make an author's note, but for now the general feel of the 'shots are going to be PG-13, mostly because of the language that is sure to appear.]

One year, people had to to escape the devastation of Earth. See, Earth had finally had enough of its fleas and destroyers, and natural disasters ran rampant. Many humans escaped into space, also bringing as many species of animals as they possibly could. Unfortunately, they had to travel very far to find a place suitable for their lifestyle. Orialis is what they had found. It was very similar to Earth atmosphere-wise and even geography-wise, for there were landmasses and seas on unlike those on the humans' home planet. What they didn't know about were all the mysterious monsters unlike any they had ever seen before, and by the time they did know it was too late. They had already set loose the animals and settled down.

Some creatures were not unlike those that were merely fairytale and legend before. Many of them had humans forms, such as the werewolf-like Daranth and the vampiric Lonsentiels. Several evolved from the earthly animals, like the silent Ninuars and tricky Reetcoons. All of them were extremely dangerous to the untrained human. That is why it took several hundred years of dying and rising up for these newcomers to finally understand the creatures and how to kill them. 

However, there was one species that lived separated from humans, and that left them alone if they were left alone. These creatures were named, for lack of imagination, the Shadows (The Senncid, as they were also known), simply because little was even known about them.

The fact is that the Shadows were extremely smart and watchful. Instead of violently attacking the humans, they watched and learned. The more they learned, the more they started to appreciate everything about the humans, and how relatively harmless they seemed. The Shadows developed a language and general way of life that took many elements from the humans' own. For future reference, the names in the parentheses is in the language of Derrinas-Un, the core language of the other wild creatures.

When each Shadow- for they soon took this name upon themselves- were 'born', they were actually created by a process unknown to even themselves. One night a year the young just appear in the clearing of Aragth- Ao (they kept the olden names for sacred places). The young is then given to the Caretakers, Shadows who are tasked with caring for the young until they are old enough to receive their animal form, nickname, and True Name. This is generally around the human age of '13'. They live with their caretakers 3 more years before deciding their lifelong career and becoming full adults. Then they work until 'death', which is around the human age of 50-60. Death for the Shadows is just disappearing from existence as quick as they came into being.

The Shadows, when they first appear, look like literal shadows- however, a mere 6 months to a year after their Appearance, their human form is fully formed. This is usually the personality of a person and places them as physical features. The animal form is, again, based on their personality, but it is based on the more complex brain of a teen than of a young child.

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