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THE ROAD SO FAR...AKA The ultimate "previously on". The next chapter coming up is going to be major, so I thought I'd give you guys a refresher on all of the story's main events. Feel free to skip this part if you don't want a recap of the whole damn story up to this point.

-Sam and Rose Wyatt (known to everyone but each other as Samantha and George Wyatt) are transgender twins. They started high school the same day as their 14th birthday, which is about as terrible as one might expect. Sam is an angry and rebellious trans boy, Rose is a timid and anxious trans girl. Both twins are bullied relentlessly for their perceived genderqueer-ness

-Sam and Rose are very codependent, and don't expect to make any friends outside of each other. They are anxious to be in high school and have so many classes apart from each other.

-Despite this, they find some safety and solace in their favorite classes: Rose in art and Sam in writing. Rose paints a lot of roses, which her amazingly sweet art teacher (Miss Vaughn) is very fond of. Sam writes a lot of angsty poems, for which he is later encouraged to enter into a writing contest.

- On their first day of school they also meet a new obnoxious kid by the name of Daniel Albright, who flirts with Sam immediately and then proceeds to be an asshole when Sam shuts him down. This kid goes on to become a new, particularly obnoxious bully for the twins.

-Later into the school year, Sam and Rose become more familiar with their classmates. Sam develops a crush on Cody Foster, a boy in his writing class, while Rose forms a strong friendship with a girl in her gym class by the name of Rose Parker.

-The twins' vastly different experiences in high school, along with their developing individual interests, cause strain on their relationship and they begin to fight. Rose, having made her first real friend outside of Sam, realizes that she and her brother are much too codependent and could use space from each other. Sam feels hurt and rejected by the notion that his sister no longer needs him, but shows this through bitterness and anger. They have a HUGE fight, Sam calls Rose by her birth name, and consequently the two don't speak for awhile.

-During the twins' stretch of silence, Rose becomes closer with Rose Parker, whom she sees as everything she herself longs to be: bold, witty, confident, etc. Meanwhile, Sam forms a surprising friendship with Daniel Albright, who is the first character to guess that the twins are transgender, and suddenly seems to be on a mission to prove himself as "not an asshole" to Sam.

-Cue the romance drama: Sam likes Cody, but Cody likes Rose (who he thinks is George). Rose doesn't necessarily like Cody...until she does. Meanwhile, Rose Parker likes Rose Wyatt, and it's stupidly obvious that Dan likes Sam. What a shitshow.

-Anyway, Rose begins to date Cody, which further drives a wedge in her relationship with Sam. Sam grows closer with Dan, who is his only friend through this stressful time, and they both find out that the other is a self-harmer. Despite the bonding between these two, Sam still believes he is head over heels for Cody.

-Sam and Cody end up making out in a hospital room feet away from Cody's comatose little sister (I know, how romantic) and everyone loses their minds.

-Fast forward to Homecoming, where EVERYTHING goes down. Cody finds out that "George" is actually Rose, and she finds out he cheated on her with Sam. Dan is a cheeky little shit through the whole thing. Everyone fights and then disperses, leaving Rosie alone outside where she ends up being sexually assaulted by a senior named Andrew Thompson, egged on by a gang of her worst bullies.

-This tragic event is so important, as it is ultimately what ends up bringing everyone together. Dan becomes close friends with the twins, and while it takes them awhile they eventually welcome Cody back into their circle as well.

-Dan and Sam start dating, to the surprise of literally no one. (Their anniversary is November 22nd, in case anyone's curious).

-Oh, and let's not forget: Rose Parker goes completely apeshit on the boys who hurt Rosie, going as far as to carve the word RAPIST onto Andy Thompson's face. She completely owns up to this when interrogated by the police, though legal action is never taken against her due to the Thompson family never making a statement (likely because of Andy's own very illegal actions). However, she is expelled and sent back to live with her dad in South Dakota.


-Semester two kicks off to a rather bold start for the twins (see Chapter 19: Keeping Up Appearances), as they had made the agreement on New Years' Eve to officially come out this year. Rosie gets excited by the thought, feeling empowered from finding out that her art teacher Miss Vaughn is also trans. She deicides to wear a bra on her first day back at school, and Sam briefly wonders if his sister has been smoking crack.

-Of course, almost immediately upon arrival to school, Rose's appearance catches the attention of some bullies. We meet John Walker and Trey McCall, two douchey juniors whom the author tricks you into thinking are minor characters. We also meet John's enthusiastically pro-LGBT girlfriend Alecia Kincaid.

-Enter Lucas Santos, the most awkward human bean to ever awkward. So of course, Rosie loves him. They quickly become close friends.

-Did I mention Dan is still self-harming? Yeah, he didn't mention it either, but it sure as hell is happening and Sam has no idea.

-Sam cuts his hair and comes out to their parents.

-Dan stands up to John Walker in Rosie's defense, agrees to fight him after school, and loses (terribly).

-Sam finds out Dan is still self harming and blows up at him instead of talking it out like a normal human (classic Sam). Don't worry though, they make up in the following chapter, and neither of the boys has self-harmed since.

-Meanwhile, Cody has severe depression and nobody knows. It's so bad that he ends up provoking John Walker to beat the shit out of him just to feel something.

-Life support is ultimately pulled on Cody's sister and she dies, and last chapter we see him have a major breakdown.


-Due to brand new evidence in the form of an anonymous video sent to the police, the case of Rose's assault is reopened. People start being interviewed, and a bunch of other allegations against the fucker end up coming out. Next thing we know, he is nowhere to be found. The police are looking for him though.

-And apparently, John's friend Trey happens to knows where he is, and also happens to know that Andy is planning some kind of revenge.

Did I miss anything? Leave a comment!

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