Chapter 1

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"Logan wake up! It's your first day of 7th grade!" my mom yelled at 6:45am. I thought, Oh crap! I totally forgot about the first day of school! "Ok mom!" I got up, put on my clothes, and ate some Captain Crunch Cereal. My mom just had to take my picture in front of the tree with my two sisters. I went to school, found my locker, got my schedule, and went to my first hour class. It was Soc. Studies with Mrs. Johnson. I went in the class and picked a seat next too Ethan Carroll, and Landon Kappes. I sat right in the front row with Braydon Dowler right behind me. Mrs. Hoffman said, "Welcome to my class! These are the rules..." Then I pulled out a piece of paper and started to draw. I drew a picture of this super hero/villian mix named Inferno©. "Mr. Chapman." she started to say, "Do you have to draw on everything you own?" I said in reply, "Do you have to single me out even though I'm not the only one not paying attention?" I heard some snickers then she said, "You can sit out in the hallway, I get paid either way." I hear Braydon whisper behind me, "Just sit there and keep drawing." I listened to him and just kept drawing. She ended up taking my drawing right before the bell rang. "Good riddance!" I yelled as I ran to my next class.

My next class period was Art with Mr. Johnson. I sat down in a seat next to Ethan, pulled out another piece of paper, and started drawing. This time I had no clue what I was going to draw. I just started to draw a superhero dressed in black shoes, black pants, a black under-shirt covered with a black zip-up hoodie with the hood on, black fingerless gloves, and a black ski-mask. I looked at him for a moment then Ethan said, "Dude that looks really cool. What's his name?" In reply I said, "I don't have a name for him yet."

"Why don't you call him 'Dark Shadow' or something." he said.

"That's a good name. Thanks." I said.

He nodded in reply. On a seperate piece of paper I wrote out, Shadow, Black Shadow, Dark Shadow, and The Shadow. I thought then circled 'Shadow' then a idea popped into my head! What if I made this suit and became the hero known as Shadow! I could use my grandma's basement as my base, I could buy shurikens, and other cool things. Once I got to my house I grabbed my black sweatpants, black under armor shirts, my black shoes, my black zip-up hoodie, and my black fingerless gloves. I went to my grandma's house and went straight to the basement. I constructed the suit, then thought about what I was going to use for a mask. I looked online for different black ski masks and other things like that, but I couldn't find any that I liked, or that would work.


Later that night I got my all black messenger bag and put all the clothing in their. I added another pair of black sweatpants, and other under armor shirts. Just incase one was dirty and I needed something else. I put the bag under my bed for when I needed it.


The next morning I woke up, did my morning routine, and went to school. I went back to Mrs. Johnson first thing. I said, "Can I please have my drawing?" She looked at me then said, "I don't know Logan. Can you?" I thought, How stupid can she be. "I don't know Mrs. Johnson. Can I have it?"

She replied, "You don't have to-" Then the bell rang. I sat down and 40 minutes into the class I heard Braydon just moan out of nowhere. "LOGAN" Mrs. Johnson yelled. "What?" I said.

"Why did you make that noise?" She yelled

I replied. "I didn't." Then the bell rang. Then I bolted out as fast as I could. Once Ethan sat down at art he said, "Dude, did you ever get your drawing back." I shook my head "No." Mr. Johnson came in about 12 minutes after the bell rang.


Later that night I got a little handheld police scanner that my grandma let me use, put my suit on, and went out. There wasn't really anything for the first 5 or 6 hours but then I saw a group of people going around TPing and Ding Dong ditching people's houses. I got a closer look, and it was Braydon, and Layne. I put my hood down, put my gloves in my pockets and walked around with them. I went back home around 100 hours. Which is just 1am. I got in my window and fell asleep.

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