Disguised lust

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At such a tender age I found someone who gave me the attention i needed for me his each touch was love but in true senses it was lust.
The essence of his touch went deep inside my heart but for him I was just a toy to play . I never believed in expecting love from someone whom you love too I believe in spreading and giving love away . When he started feeling for someone instead of planning to break them apart I helped him out but his single touch still drown me deep down . I misunderstood his lust as care . Somewhere when I felt like I was not the one for him but just an option his small action of care made this thought sink soo deep in past where i cannot ever reach but somewhere i knew it that everything was wrong still like fools i misunderstood that disguised lust as love until that man Kriyansh came into my life . Kriyansh whom I never even thought of even talking made me fly in love with him changed the meaning of love for me .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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