It's kind of a Melissa x Rex, but kinda Jessica? Idk
The silence cuts deep into your bones
You tilt your head to the still sky
And gaze into the frozen time
Along with the crystals hanging from the light
Cast upon you by the big blue moon
You smile at the timeless beauty
And can't understand why this is the tortured hour
The stiffs' pale complexions stare back at you
Their glares pierce deep into you soul
You find the cold and loneliness again
Afraid to touch their colourless skin
Afraid to feel the icy cold
You know she still breathes
But you're terrified of the moment her skin might become cold
And you realize why it's called the tortured hour
But dear this world is ours alone
I grab your arm and pull you out of your darkened trance
We get our bikes and race to the light
The sliver of hope that lets us escape
In the midst of the raging storm
The lightning bolt sits by that roof
The raindrops come to life at our touch
Suddenly it's more alive in this tortured hour
But the distance to that lightning bolt
Is larger than we had thought
And before we know it the hour ends
And the blue light is gone
The lightning strikes and disappears
The voices of this city's minds echo within you
Though quieter than in the chaotic day
And we long again that tortured hour