kicked out

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A/n feel free to leave comments I need feedback and suggestions also this chapter takes place a month after the last one

"Pack your bags your leaving." Mom says handing me a suitcase.
"I was waiting on you to tell me that." I say grabbing the bags from her hands." You have no place to go what are you gonna do? Become a hooker?" She says agitatedly. I laugh for a few minutes. "I already have a job and a place to stay. With my band." I say grabbing my bags and leaving the house.

1 hour later

"Damn. I forgot where they live. What ever I'll just text noodle." I say to no one in particular

My texts

Hey noodle my mom
kicked me out could
you come pick me up

Yes of course where are you


Well be right there


An hour later

Russ and noodle show up in the stylo.
"Hey guys. Thanks for coming and getting me." I saw as noodle gives me a hug."I'm so sorry y/n. I can't help but to feel like I'm responsible for this." She says trying to make me feel better.
"Arigato noodle. Thank you for trying to make me feel better but fine." I say holding back tears. She giggles " you've been practicing japanese."
"Hai. Yes I have." I say pushing her off me gently." So let's get to kong." I say my getting in to the stylo.

A month later

Me and noodle share her room now. I think that this last month has been the best time of my life. This morning I woke up to noodle playing her guitar. Shes playing feel good inc. I walk up to her and ask for the guitar she hands it to me as I continue where she left off and she starts to dance around the room. After I finish the song me and her get ready to go down stairs. I get downstairs and I get to thinking. What is this feeling. I've felt it before but not like this. Not this strong. Its weird especially because I dont know who they're for. Russel looks at me and asks " what's wrong?"
"That's just it I dont know what's wrong." I say irritated because I dont understand these feelings. Noodle comes down the stairs and my heart starts to flutter. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel like this? "Konichiwa russel." She says cheerfully." Hello baby girl. Hows your day going."
"Great. What wrong y/n? Are you ok?"
"Y-yes noodle I'm fine"
"Are you sure y/n you dont seem like yourself."
"Dont worry I'm fine I'll be back to normal soon trust me."
"Ok y/n ill believe you." She says skipping out of the room.
Russel instantly jumps on the chance to talk with me. "You know noodle doesn't like guys. She has always liked girls better." He says hoping to get a reaction. Blushing I say "really?"

"That's the reaction I hoped I'd get. You should tell here how you feel. It'll make you feel better." He says smiling. This makes my face heat up and turn red as a tomato.

"I-i-ill think about it."

the girl in the band Book 1 (noodle x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now